KISTI Supercomputing Center 16 th APAN Meetings (August 27, 2003) Collaborative VR Grid in Meteorology Minsu Joh Head of Supercomputing.


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Presentation transcript:

KISTI Supercomputing Center 16 th APAN Meetings (August 27, 2003) Collaborative VR Grid in Meteorology Minsu Joh Head of Supercomputing Application Technologies Department

KISTI Supercomputing Center This presentation will show you the activities of constructing a leading-edge research environment in virtual space for scientists.

KISTI Supercomputing Center Project Overview what VR Grid Project is Plans & Achievements during the 1 st & 2 nd year of the VR Grid Project Future Plans for the remaining year of the VR Grid Project Contents

KISTI Supercomputing Center Project Overview

KISTI Supercomputing Center High Speed Network Infrastructure Internet Infrastructure(NGI) Grid Middleware Computational, Data & Access Grid (VR Grid) Supercomputers, Storages & Instruments Grid Applications Enhancing Korea’s Competitiveness in Science & Technology National Grid Project (2002~2006)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Computing Resources System NameNEC SX-5/SX-6IBM p690/p690+ Introduction / / Peak Perf.80/160Gflops665.6/3,699.2Gflops Memory128/128GB672/3,712GB CPU#8/16128/544 The 3rd Supercomputing Systems in Korea ( ~ ) 240Gflops4,365Gflops

KISTI Supercomputing Center I-Desk COVISE Ensight AVS MPE Hardware Software Visualization Resources SeeMore (CAVE-like System)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Goal of the VR Grid Project Establish a Virtual Collaboratory 3D Massive Data Making / Displaying / Exploring / Analyzing Simultaneously Collaborative Virtual Environment

KISTI Supercomputing Center Collaborative Virtual Environment computer-based, distributed, virtual space in which people can interact with others, or with virtual objects CAVE6D = Vis5D (2D/3D Graphic S/W) + CAVELib (VR Lib.) + CAVERNsoft G1 (Network Lib.)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Virtual Collaboratory Computational GridVR Grid Display/Explore Data Make Data Data Grid Access Grid Store/Retrieve Data Storages DB servers etc. computers Compute & Visualize Retrieve & Visualize Transfer & Discuss Analyze Data virtual research environment where scientists can access computational resources, share data, and interact with collaborators, regardless of geographical location.

KISTI Supercomputing Center  Construct Tele-Immersive Visualization Environment for Collaborative Work  Develop Application S/Ws for Collaborative Virtual Environment  Build Collaborative Environment between VR Grid and Access Grid Project Objectives

KISTI Supercomputing Center Cooperative Institutes VR Grid Application S/Ws VR Grid Middleware VR Grid Testbed Cooperation 3D Model development Technology development Access Grid Process Summary Interface development

KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans & Achievements

KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans in 2002  Construction of VR Grid Testbeds  Development of Application S/Ws for CVE  Verification of VR Grid through Testbeds

KISTI Supercomputing Center Achievements in 2002  Formed Testbed Partnerships KISTI-UIC (overseas), KISTI-KMA(domestic)  Developed Application S/Ws for Meteorological data MeteoView, CAVE6D+  Implemented MeteoView on VR Grid Testbeds

KISTI Supercomputing Center Testbed Infrastructure APIITestbed KREONet2 (STAR TAP) Australia Seoul KMA USA EVL/UIC 시카고 KORNET STAR TAP Daejeon KISTI

KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server Virtual Reality System CVE Virtual Collaboratory in 2002 Data storage G/S VR WAN

KISTI Supercomputing Center Application S/W Development (1/5)  Visualization S/W for Meteorological data on CAVE  using CAVELib and Quanta  Audio conferencing is available  Contour/shading/iso-surface/wind vector are available MeteoView

KISTI Supercomputing Center 3D Contour/Shading CONTOURCONTOUR SHADINGSHADING XY Contour YZ Contour XZ Contour XY Shading YZ Shading XZ Shading Application S/W Development (2/5)

KISTI Supercomputing Center 3D Iso-Surface Iso-surface (Temp=220K)Iso-surface (Temp=220K) with Cross-sections Application S/W Development (3/5)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Wind Vector at 500hPaWind Vector at 500hPa with Iso-surface (u wind = 5m/s) 3D Wind Vector Application S/W Development (4/5)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Application S/W Development (5/5)  Visualization S/W for Meteorological data on CAVE  Based on CAVE6D  using CAVELib, CAVRNsoft G2 and Quanta CAVE6D+ -Developer: KISTI -CAVERNsoft G2/Quanta -Low Bandwidth -Developer: EVL/UIC -CAVERNsoft G1 -High Bandwidth CAVE6D+CAVE6D

KISTI Supercomputing Center 45Mbps KISTIUIC CAVE6D+ STAR TAP Overseas VR Grid Testbed (1/2)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Domestic VR Grid Testbed (2/2) 315Mbps KISTIKMA MeteoView, CAVE6D+ KREONET

KISTI Supercomputing Center Plans in 2003  Optimize VR Grid through active testbeds collaboration  Enhance Application S/W, MeteoView with volume rendering and computational steering capability  Develop Interface Technology between VR Grid and Access Grid

KISTI Supercomputing Center Achievements in 2003  Formed Testbeds 3 institutes(overseas), 4 institutes(domestic)  Enhance the performance of MeteoView Volume Rendering  Verify VR Grid on the active Testbeds KISTI-UIC, KISTI-IHPC, KISTI-UQ

KISTI Supercomputing Center  3 overseas institutes - IHPC, Univ. of Queensland, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago  4 domestic institutes - CCGVR, ICU, KJIST, POSTECH Partnerships

KISTI Supercomputing Center Implemented Volume Visualization  Near Real-time Volume Visualization using 3D Texture Mapping Hardware in the Onyx3400 IR3 MeteoView : Application Software for CVE in ET developed by KISTI in 2002 MeteoView+ (1/2)

KISTI Supercomputing Center  Proxy geometries (simple polygon slices) are rendered  3D Texture (volume dataset) is applied in the proxy geometries  Appropriate color table and alpha blending are applied Realize the Near Real-time Volume Visualization using 3D Texture Mapping Hardware MeteoView+ (2/2)

KISTI Supercomputing Center Future Plans

KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server -Data Visualization -CVE S/W Implementation -Comp./VR/Data Grids connection Computing Server -Numerical Simulation -Numerical Data Generation -Data Transfer (G/S) Display System -Data Display -Request Data Visualization (G/S) -Request Numerical Simulation (C/S) VR-Based User Interface, VRUI Implementation of Computational Steering data transfer display visualize compute

KISTI Supercomputing Center Enhance MeteoView+ IBM p690/p690+ NEC SX-5/6 SGI Onyx3400 Trimension ReaCTor Graphic Server Computing System Display System PC Cluster Computational Steering

KISTI Supercomputing Center VR Data storage CVE G/S Virtual Collaboratory in 2003 Tele-Vis. Supercomputer Computational Steering VR

KISTI Supercomputing Center Build Collaborative Environment KJIST KISTI EVL/UIC between VR Grid and Access Grid <Domestic/overseas testbed for collaborative environment between VR Grid and Access Grid>

KISTI Supercomputing Center Summary

KISTI Supercomputing Center Goal of the VR Grid Project Establish a Virtual Collaboratory 3D Massive Data Making / Displaying / Exploring / Analyzing Simultaneously Collaborative Virtual Environment

KISTI Supercomputing Center Graphic Server Virtual Reality System CVE Virtual Collaboratory in 2002 Data storage G/S VR WAN

KISTI Supercomputing Center VR Data storage CVE G/S Virtual Collaboratory in 2003 Tele-Vis. Supercomputer Computational Steering VR

KISTI Supercomputing Center Virtual Collaboratory in 2006 Computational GridVR Grid Display/Explore Data Make Data Data Grid Access Grid Store/Retrieve Data Storages DB servers etc. computers Compute & Visualize Retrieve & Visualize Transfer & Discuss Analyze Data

KISTI Supercomputing Center The VR Grid Project will provide Scientists with a leading-edge research environment in virtual space.

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