I am David Group assignments
1.Towns/cities at which David stops. Salonica The little town where he stayed a few days (in the cave) Naples Milan The farm (Maria) Florence Bologna (church) Lugano * Artist woman (Signora Bang) Faido The cruel farmer Lucerne Basle Kolding Copenhagen
2.Lessons that David learns Johannes had taught him always to say “thank you” and “please”, even to them (p 75) Signora Bang taught him that all suffering has an end (p 123). Johannes taught David never to say it was someone else’s fault – accept responsibility (forgive Carlo).
2.Lessons that David learns He learns never to be greedy because greedy people are unhappy. Johannes taught him to be himself because no-one can take that away from him. Johannes taught him that not all people were bad, so he must not judge people too much.
3.What makes David different to other children? Compared to Maria and her brothers, David loves reading and learning, they don’t. He does not know how to play (especially pretending to be someone else). He does not know how to smile. David takes life very seriously and tells Maria about the dangers in life.
David likes to wash and stay clean, something other boys would not worry about.
Red Blue Green (different tints) Gold The sea was a very blue colour