7.6 Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve Fitting
The graphs of the sine and cosine functions are called sinusoidal graphs.
For the graphs of
Find the amplitude, period, and phase shift of the following function Find the amplitude, period, and phase shift of the following function. Graph the function.
(0,0) 1 3 2 -1
Steps for Fitting Data to Sine Function y = Asin(wx - f)+B Determine the amplitude A = largest data value -2smallest data value Determine the vertical shift B = largest data value +2 smallest data value Determine w from w=2p/T. Determine the horizontal shift f by choosing an ordered pair (x, y) and solving the equation y = Asin(wx - f)+B
The data on the following slide represent the average monthly temperature in Houston, Texas. (a) Draw a scatter diagram of the data treating month as the independent variable. (b) Find a sinusoidal function that fits the data. (c) Graph the function found in (b) on your scatter diagram. (d) Find the sinusoidal function of best fit. (e) Graph the function found in (d) on the scatter diagram.
Month Average Temp (oF)
Temperature Month
We will find a sinusoidal function of the form
STEP 1: Determine the amplitude, A.
STEP 2: Determine the vertical shift, B.
STEP 4: Determine the horizontal shift. Use the first data x =1, y =50.
To use a graphing utility to find the sine function of best fit for the given data we will use the SINe REGression program to get the following: