Purpose Team Members Function of Team
Home life Behavior Previous academic performance Identifiers ◦ Gifted & Talented ◦ Special Education ◦ English Language Learner Race, gender, or ethnicity Previous school attended
Evaluate the universal screener and/or diagnostic assessment data for each student Generate a list of the skills/concepts that the student has not mastered ◦ Consider and possibly remove tier 1 issues
Number/Computation: Proficient (3/6) – Rate/Ratio/Proportion Algebraic Thinking: Novice (3/11) – Solve equations/inequalities – Changing parameters of graphs – Polynomial expressions – Identify functions – Simple algebraic expressions – 2 Var. Equations/Inequalities – Properties/Evaluating Functions
Probability/Statistics: Apprentice (2/5) – Probability – Sampling techniques – Curve fitting Geometry/Measurement: Novice (3/10) – Right triangle – Properties of triangles – Congruence/similarity – Dimensions/relationships - Spatial relationships – Transformations
Prioritize the areas of weakness ◦ Algebraic Thinking Identifying function families Graphing a function based on the equation ◦ Geometry/Measurement Properties of triangles ◦ Probability/Statistics Sampling techniques Curve fitting
Based on the data, what skills/concepts do you want the student to achieve during the intervention sessions? Consider the distance between where the student is currently performing and the goal (gap to goal) Consider and possibly remove tier 1 issues Consider multiple increments Based on that information, what would be a reasonable timeframe for this child to achieve the skills/concepts? ◦ Note: instructional sessions
Meaningful Measureable Able to be Monitored Useful in Making instructional decisions
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Framed
Long –term goal: system for measuring the student’s progress toward long-range expectations Short-term objective: logical breakdown of the major components of the long-term goal and they measure progress toward meeting the long-term goal
Long-term goals and short-term objectives should be monitored frequently and repeatedly Develop a progress monitoring timeline Provide Descriptive Feedback to the student Template provided
Kentucky System of Interventions (KSI) Resources/Kentucky+System+of+Interventions/ Resources/Kentucky+System+of+Interventions/ Academic & Behavioral Response to Intervention (ABRI) National RtI Center Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline (KYCID) 15
IRIS Center Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching & Learning (CHETL) +Resources/Highly+Effective+Teaching+and+L earning/HETL+Common+Characteristics.tm +Resources/Highly+Effective+Teaching+and+L earning/HETL+Common+Characteristics.tm What Works Clearinghouse ceguides/ ceguides/ 16
Johnston, P. H. (2010). RTI in literacy responsive and comprehensive. International Reading Association. Allington, R. L. (2008). What really matters in response to intervention: research-based designs. Pearson. Quinn, P. (2010). Ultimate RTI. Charleston: Total RTI.
Questions? Kim Willhoite, Reading Interventionist Samantha Thomas, Math Interventionist April Pieper, Academic Program Manager 18