I know… That many of you had Chinese visitors in Week 4 That some of you went to Snow Trip in Week 5 That most of you had Work Experience placements in Weeks 5 & 6. So… The test (Outcome 1) date will now be Wednesday 12 th of September (it was Thursday the 6 th of September) WRITE THIS IN YOUR DIARIES
Feeling like this guy? What we have covered so far: Origins of the Cold War - The American and Russian revolutions - The growth of capitalist and communist ideology - World War One –the Tsar’s downfall and the rise of the USA. - The new leader of Russia (Soviet Union) brings in Socialism - The new leader of the USA (Roosevelt) rebuilds the USA. What you need to know How and why the USA and Russia developed into the world‘s new superpowers during and after World War 2
Activity 1 Capitalism Communism Socialism What you need to know What are the differences between Capitalism, Communism & Socialism
What we have covered so far Origins of the Cold War - Stalin builds mistrust prior to World War Two. - The division of Germany. The Soviets take the East. - Peaceful conferences (relatively) at Yalta and Potsdam. - The atomic bomb and threat of nuclear warfare (M.A.D) - Growing tensions as the US and Soviets protect their interests. Churchill, Truman & Stalin What you need to know Why the west (US, Britain) and east (Soviets) didn’t trust each other very much.
Activity 2 Growing Tensions between the USA (West) and the Soviet Union (East)
What we have covered so far Colonisation and decolonisation - The Journey of Mankind, migration throughout History. - Colonisation – the big empires take over the world - What this meant for indigenous peoples of the world - Decolonisation – where the empires leave - Why decolonisation happened after World War Two - The ‘political vacuum’ created – Capitalism or Communism? What you need to know Why people have migrated throughout history. How and why the big empires were able to take over less powerful nations. Why the war changed this.
Activity 3 ‘Journey of Mankind’ activity
Activity 4 Colonisation & Decolonisation activity What you need to know Who the major empires were and the regions they controlled
What we have covered so far Decolonisation in Action - The development of the United Nations - The United Nations occupation of Japan (US troops) - China chooses Communism - Negotiated Independence in India and through Africa/Asia - Incomplete decolonisation – Apartheid in South Africa - Conflict in Korea What you need to know Why the United Nations was formed and what it does. How decolonised nations chose to pursue independence And where it went wrong
What we have covered so far McCarthyism & anti-communist ideas - Instability in the Eastern Bloc (Soviet’s take over) - A society of fear (Nuclear War – Be like Bert) - A society of suspicion (McCarthy against Communism) - The Cold War and the Olympics What did you miss? Let me know and we will go through it. What you need to know Why the governments of the east and west created a fear of each other and spread this to their populations.
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8 While the Chinese students visited we completed an Olympic activity. You will need to know at least one Cold War event that impacted on the Olympics. See the Wiki or the posters created for some information about this.
What we need to do… The Cold War avoids catastrophe - The Domino Effect - The Cuban Revolution and its consequences - The Bay of Pigs incident - The Assassination of JFK - Communism in Australia/ The Petrov Affair
What we need to do… Before the ‘Chinese group’ leave on their adventure… Introduce an Inquiry Project for Outcomes 2 & 3 Chinese groupI will develop an assignment that will cover the remainder of your Unit 2 History topic. This will cover the Chinese Revolution (1949) and the impact of Communism in China, the issue of Human Rights and Tiananmen Square and the westernisation of China. Mr Murrihey will help you while visiting these places (quietly!). The restWe will study the freedom and human rights movements in the United States while the others are away. You will be given a variety of options related to 20 th Century History to finish Outcome 2 and Outcome 3.