What do we know about St. Patrick?
Is Patrick mentioned in the Bible? No! He lived about 400 years after Jesus
How do we know about Patrick? We have 2 things he wrote: A letter he wrote to a warrior chief in Britain A written testimony of how God worked in his life
Was Patrick Irish? No! But he was brought to Ireland
Was Patrick a Roman? Yes! He was a Roman Briton.
Was Patrick wealthy? Yes! His father was a land owner.
Patrick was kidnapped by Irish raiders. How old was he? A. 6 years old B. 10 years old C. 16 years old 16
As a slave what did he look after? A. Sheep B. Pigs C. Cows Sheep
How long was he a slave? A. 6 years B. 10 years C. 16 years 6
Did Patrick send all the snakes out of Ireland? No! That’s just a story
Did Patrick use a shamrock to illustrate what God is like? Not sure! We have no evidence he did.
Was Patrick a Protestant or a Catholic? He was a… Christian
Why do we remember Patrick? He lived and died here.
He did what Jesus said: Matthew 28: “Go and make followers of all people in the world… Teach them to obey everything I have taught you and I will be with you always…”
So today remember Patrick…who Was a slave who Obeyed God and Who a long time ago Helped to bring the message of Jesus to us