Barbara Davis and Wood Mason | Dec U.S. Department of Education 2013 FSA Training Conference for Financial Aid Professionals COD Hands-On Session 6
Accessing COD reports: What’s new? Funding & Cash Management screens Edit code warnings and rejects What Does a COD Expert Need to Know? 2
3 Accessing COD Reports SAIG mailbox Data requests are sent to your mailbox DL and TEACH SAS Pell Grant LEU COD website/Services tab Separate databases Can have both COD and reports open at same time Must log off each separately
Data Requests-Grants 4
Data Requests- DL and Teach 5
Services/COD Reports 6 Print blank MPNs
COD reports – Program Selection DL PL PL
Pell Pop Attending Report 8
Pell LEU Report Pell LEU on the web will be discontinued after award year Pell LEU Report will continue to be produced for future awards years in SAIG format CSV Format SAIG Message Class: PGLEYYOP Where “YY” is award year Example: PGLE14OP for award year
Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used Report 10
Pell LEU What to do? Don’t disburse if student is already over lifetime eligibility used Notice that this school did not disburse based on the info Received in their Pell LEU report 11
Pell LEU What to do? COD edit 201- disbursement corrected/rejected for Pell LEU exceeding the lifetime limit COD edit Lifetime percentage of eligibility used has exceeded the lifetime limit COD edit 177- Lifetime percentage of eligibility used is near the lifetime limit Appeal process html html More info? Attend Session #3 Pell Grant Duration of Eligibility 12
COD Reports – Direct Loan 13
COD Reports – Direct Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) 14
SULA on COD BARBARA DAVIS ######### 01/01/1980 (321) Happy Valley Lane Friendliest City, USA 15
SULA Edit code
Setting Report Options 17 SOME UNIVERSITY
COD CBT- Download from IFAP 18
Reporting Tool Macros 19
“Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice accessing your school’s reports via the services menu Or, use the data files for Pell YTD or SAS disbursement detail on demand and practice importing into an excel file Files will be on your desktop Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Grant or Direct Loan reports Icon will be on your desktop 20
Funding & Cash Management Screens School Summary Funding Information Summary Financial Information Cash Activity 21
School Summary 22 Check this screen frequently for all Award years and programs UNIVERSITY OF ENCELADAS
School Summary Negative cash may indicate a draw has not yet posted or downward disbursement adjustments are needed 23 UNIVERSITY OF TITAN WOOD MASON BARBARA DAVIS ANNE DAVIS- MASON
Funding Info 24 Use this screen to monitor available balance and to ensure that disbursements equal your net drawdowns UNIVERSITY OF HYPERION
Summary Financial Info 25 For Direct Loans this screen mirrors the SAS Cash Summary information Use it to monitor your daily cash and disbursement summary information UNIVERSITY OF MIMAS
Cash Activity UNIVERSITY OF MIMAS Total Cash Unsubstantiated Total Cash unsubstantiated greater than 30 days Remember to be in compliance, disbursements and disbursement adjustments must be reported within 15 days 26
“Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice locating school cash information Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Managing School Information Icon will be on your desktop 27
Edit Code Warnings and Rejects COD edit code warnings alert schools to processing issues that may need to be resolved, but build on the COD system COD edit code rejects do NOT build on the COD system Where can you find edit code rejects? Query your own Financial aid software Via the COD batch menu Focus on 3 DL rejects 28
COD Date Range Batch Search 29
Filter Batch by Rejects 30
Identifying, Locating and Resolving Rejects Incorrect origination fee percentage and/or interest rebate percent on new awards Cannot change the origination fee percent and/or interest rebate percent on an active loan Disbursement dates do not match origination fee percentage and/or interest rebate percent on file 31
Edit 140 Example- New Award 32
How do I fix edit code reject 140? It never built on the COD system Correct in your software to the correct percentage to go with the corresponding first disbursement date and resubmit 33
Edit 141 example 34 At first glance this looks ok correct fee with the date but….. This loan originally built on COD with a 1.051% origination fee
How do I fix edit code reject 141/144 with anticipated disbursements? 35
Example of
Fixing Edit 144 So what happened with previous circumstance? School tried to submit a disbursement date change and that is why it hit edit code 144 Since this record only has pending or anticipated disbursements, correct the record following guidance for loans with pending/anticipated disbursements But what if an actual disbursement accepted with the wrong fee or date? 37
How do I fix reject 144 with actual disbursement? 38
Notifications of Fee changes DCL ID: GEN updated October 25, 2013 Subject FY 2014 Sequestration Changes to the Title IV Student Aid Programs Electronic announcement- October 25, 2013 Operational updates and COD system readiness for Direct Loan Origination Fee Percent Increases Attachment with directions on how to fix loans with incorrect fees 39
“Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice updating and correcting loan fee percentages Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Updating and Creating records or Edit code rejects Icon will be on your desktop 40
QUESTIONS? 41 Wood Mason Barbara Davis