Goal 6: American Imperialism (1890 – 1920)
Imperialism (1890s – 1920) Definition: Stronger nations take over weaker nations to become more powerful. Political, economical & social control It must be supported by the military 4 Causes of Imperialism Manifest Destiny Expanding Markets Spreading American Views Anglo-Saxon (white) Superiority
Manifest Destiny Expanding coast to coast Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean We’ve accomplished this – now what? Tracing American Expansion Louisiana Purchase Florida Oregon Texas Mexican Cession Gadsden Purchase Alaska
Expanding Markets The opportunity to buy & sell goods to new places We can make more money!! Main reason the US becomes imperialistic The 2 nd Industrial Revolution contributed to this desire… Lots of new products are being made & we need to sell them…
Spread American Views Spreading American values & customs What’s this called when we force others to give up their culture? Assimilation White Man’s Burden It is the white man’s duty to civilize other people Examples: Assimilation Dawe’s Act
Anglo-Saxon Superiority Belief that white people (Americans) were culturally superior We believe we’re better than everyone else – especially non-whites!
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History Author: Topic: 4 Goals: Alfred T. Mahan Identifies 4 things the US needed to become imperialistic 1. Build a modern Navy 2. Gets islands in the Caribbean Sea 3. Gets islands in the Pacific Ocean 4. Build a canal through Latin America (Panama Canal)
Spheres of Influence Are of economic & political control exerted by one nation over other nations One nation influences other nations Ex: Monroe Doctrine: The USA has influence over N. & S. America (Western Hemisphere)
Colony One country sets up & controls a settlement in another area Economic & political control Ex: England established the American colonies in N. America
Protectorate One country partially controls the affairs of another country Ex: The USA’s relationship with Cuba
Commonwealth Similar to a protectorate, but less restrictive Ex: USA & Puerto Rico
Mercantilism Economic theory that colonies exist to help make the mother country more self-sufficient Exporting (sell) more than importing (buy) Ex: The American colonies supplied the raw materials for England to make finished goods to sell to other countries
Isolationism Not getting involved with foreign countries Which President encouraged this practice? G. Washington US foreign before imperialism
Teller Amendment President: McKinley Area Involved: Cuba Explanation: Promised Cuba the US would not annex them after the Spanish-American War
Platt Amendment President: McKinley Area Involved: Cuba Explanation: Allowed the US to establish a Naval base in Cuba The US can interfere in Cuban affairs when necessary Cuba can’t conduct foreign affairs
Open Door Policy President: McKinley Area Involved: China Explanation: Opens China to trade with the USA The US has equal access to China’s millions of consumers
Roosevelt Corollary President: T. Roosevelt Area Involved: Latin America Explanation: Extends the Monroe Doctrine Allows the US to intervene in Latin American Mainly to protect American interests
Portsmouth Conference President: T. Roosevelt Area Involved: Russia & Japan Explanation: Negotiated a peace treaty between the 2 countries Opened talks/relationship with Japan & Russia
“Big Stick” Policy President: T. Roosevelt Area Involved: Latin America Explanation: TR threatened to use the military to conduct foreign affairs in Latin America To benefit American interests “Speak softly & carry a big stick”
Dollar Diplomacy President: Taft Area Involved: Latin America Explanation: Economic investment in Latin America Done because we’re afraid economic problems in Latin American will cause European countries to get involved Keeps Europe out of the Caribbean