Dawn Shank Mattaponi & Pamunkey Rivers Association Connecting Kids to their Environment
Mattaponi & Pamunkey Rivers Association Non-profit, all-volunteer organization Non-profit, all-volunteer organization Dedicated to the protection and stewardship of the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers Dedicated to the protection and stewardship of the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers Currently about 100+ members – local & out of state Currently about 100+ members – local & out of state 23 years old 23 years old
MPRA goals Advocate for the river Advocate for the river Education (adult and students) Education (adult and students) Recreation (paddle trips, water trail) Recreation (paddle trips, water trail)
Water Trail Committee 12 kiosk sites on Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers 12 kiosk sites on Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers Volunteers have adopted each site Volunteers have adopted each site Interpretive kiosks/maps Interpretive kiosks/maps Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network/ Captain John Smith Water Trail Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network/ Captain John Smith Water Trail Partnership with Sandy Point State Forest Partnership with Sandy Point State Forest
Bird/Wildlife Projects Committee Prothonatory Warbler Project Assemble bird boxes Assemble bird boxes Put up boxes & GPS them Put up boxes & GPS them Inventory boxes Inventory boxes Contact landowners to place boxes Contact landowners to place boxes Environmental education Environmental education Annual New Year’s Day bird count Annual New Year’s Day bird count
River Stewardship Day Committee
Adult Education Spring Paddle Education Committee
Outreach & Workshops Outreach & Workshops Newsletter & website Set up booths at School Science Fairs & events Library programs –rain barrel workshop, river programs River/Kids’ tent at Locust Grove Wine and Art Festival Teacher workshops Outreach & Communications Committee Facebook page: Mattaponi & Pamunkey Rivers Association
Legislative/River Advocacy Committee King William Reservoir Project King William Reservoir Project Scenic River designation for a section of the Mattaponi Scenic River designation for a section of the Mattaponi Watchdog for problems Watchdog for problems
Connecting Kids to their Environment Children are increasingly living in a virtual world Children are increasingly living in a virtual world : People who care have a personal connection to natural resources People who care have a personal connection to natural resources
Richard Louv Last Child in the Wood: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder “No Child Left Inside” Reduced time outside -----increased behavior problems, anxiety, depression More time outside understanding of natural world, relieves stress, reduces undesirable behavior, sense of freedom Childhood obesity --- SIT, SIT, SIT “Meaningful watershed experience” - DOE
MPRA’s goal is to provide opportunities to make that connection Water Water Soil Soil Critters Critters Sense of place – cultural & natural Sense of place – cultural & natural Dispel a fear of what’s out there Dispel a fear of what’s out there
What we do: Volunteer in classrooms Volunteer in classrooms Schools of Shad: raising fish, art project Schools of Shad: raising fish, art project Grasses in Classes Grasses in Classes River Rats club River Rats club Fishing Day Fishing Day Teacher workshops Teacher workshops Coordinate special programs Coordinate special programs River Days/ River Camp River Days/ River Camp. Shirley “Little Dove” Custalow Powhatan’s People made presentations to all the 6 th grade classes.
River Day: How it started Watershed education (my former life) Watershed education (my former life) Virginia Naturally grant Virginia Naturally grant Virginia Naturally Bay Academy (Virginia Resource Education Council and Chesapeake Bay Foundation) held in June each year Virginia Naturally Bay Academy (Virginia Resource Education Council and Chesapeake Bay Foundation) held in June each year Teacher workshop & River Rats Club at middle school Teacher workshop & River Rats Club at middle school Dream of River Day and River Camp Dream of River Day and River Camp
Find key school contact or somebody who has passion Find key school contact or somebody who has passion Identify a good site Identify a good site Convince the administration Convince the administration Identify volunteers & local natural resource agency staff that can help Identify volunteers & local natural resource agency staff that can help Figure out expenses, red tape & hoops to jump through – start early! Figure out expenses, red tape & hoops to jump through – start early! River Day How To
Safety (water?) Safety (water?) Links to SOLs Links to SOLs Time & numbers Time & numbers Coordinating with instructors Coordinating with instructors Bathroom & lunch Bathroom & lunch Transportation Transportation Costs Costs Issues to consider: Issues to consider: Get your ducks in a row before you go talk to principal Get your ducks in a row before you go talk to principal
River Day How To Possible groups to partner with: Possible groups to partner with: Watershed organizations (like MPRA, Friends of the Chickahominy, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, James River Assoc.) Watershed organizations (like MPRA, Friends of the Chickahominy, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, James River Assoc.) Soil & Water Conservation Districts Soil & Water Conservation Districts 4-H (Virginia Coop. Extension) 4-H (Virginia Coop. Extension) Park staff (county, state parks) Park staff (county, state parks) State agencies State agencies Garden Clubs/Civic organizations Garden Clubs/Civic organizations
River Day The schedule The schedule Number of students Number of students Number of stations Number of stations Main themes (SOLs) Main themes (SOLs) Time at each station Time at each station Instructors & volunteers needed Instructors & volunteers needed Time to get to next station & “bell” to move Time to get to next station & “bell” to move Lunch and potty Lunch and potty Equipment Equipment
Stations Site may be biggest factor Site may be biggest factor Fish/fishing Fish/fishing Forestry Forestry Wildlife Wildlife Water Quality (sampling, seining) Water Quality (sampling, seining) Watersheds Watersheds GPS/mapping GPS/mapping River history River history Soils Soils Wetlands Wetlands
River Day How To Great Resources: Teacher workshops – Request form on DEQ website I’m a Project WET Facilitator – teacher workshop Project WET Project WET Project Learning Tree Project Learning Tree Project WILD Project WILD Wonders of Wetlands Wonders of Wetlands Schoolyard Habitat Program Schoolyard Habitat Program VA State Parks: Your Outdoor Classroom VA State Parks: Your Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor classroom Outdoor classroom Pond Pond Butterfly garden Butterfly garden Walking trail Walking trail Vegetable garden area Vegetable garden area Stormwater – rain garden Stormwater – rain garden What about your School?
River Camp
River Camp – kids ages, 8 to 16 Day camp – 3 days Fish camp Critter camp River Ecology camp Aug. 13, 14, 15 River Camp was partially funded by a grant from Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H.
Join us on Facebook. Links to our wiki space and other helpful links Quarterly newsletters Updates of happenings and projects
Make & Take stuff Ideas for Frogs & Butterfly lessons to go with your pond or butterfly garden mpraed.wikispaces.com
Thanks for making a difference in the future!