Google™ AdvancedSearchingGoogle™ AdvancedSearching By Callie, Yerin, and Chloe
Introduction Spider Web Google is a website that uses the spider web method in order to accurately find websites that you are interested in Advanced Search Techniques We will be talking about tips and shortcuts as well as searches for carried file types Multimedia Searching Multimedia Searching such as videos, pictures, and how to use someone’s media legally
How Google Works
Basic Searching Narrowing Searches only use words that are key words to help narrow the number of searches Don’t type long Sentences USE KEY WORDS Use sites based upon what you are looking for If you are looking for videos, use youtube, if you are looking for images use
Advanced Searching Techniques (tips and Shortcuts) Quotation Marks Quotation marks will search for the exact phrase that was typed Adding a Minus Adding minuses to a specific word tells the search engine to not search for sites related to that word Boolean Words AND, OR, AND NOT are all Boolean words that allow someone to refine their search and are powerful words for searching “AND” “OR” “NOT”
Advanced Searching Techniques (File Types).doc file extension.doc will take you to all websites that come from or are documents file extension.pdf will take you to all websites that are portable document format (PDF) file extension.ppt will take you to all websites that are or contain a Power Point file will take you to all websites that are government websites gov
Advanced Searching File Types
Multi Media Search Techniques Searching Specific File Types searching specific file types such as.png,.gif,.jpg will allow you to find the type of picture you want effectively Google Images Legally Using Pictures or Videos People who own multi media have creative commons licenses, and it allows them to let us use their media or not. All Rights Reserved, meaning we must get permission from the owners to use the Media mages/ istockpbjbeauty.jpg&imgrefurl= rep.html&h=345&w=620&sz=48&tbnid=PtdFEg55KUxd8M:&tbnh=76 &tbnw=136&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpeanut%2Bbutter%2Band%2Bje lly%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=peanut+butter+and+jel ly&hl=en&usg=__SwsWL2YZTEHTf7Fs1uZG1h5xSH8=&sa=X&ei=H aS0T9rnPMK8rAfwnICZDA&ved=0CB4Q9QEwAg
More Reliable Searching narrowing searches can get better more reliable sites when working on projects or papers Less Time Wasted narrowing searches can take time away from searching when working on projects or papers Conclusion
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