Searching Tutorial By: Lola L
Introduction: When you are using a topic, you might want to use “keyword topics.” Using this might help you find better results. Here is how you can find good results and get an A+ on your assignment!
Searching the Internet: Recommended Site and Search Techniques This Way
Subject Directories A subject directory is a service that offers a collection of links to Internet resources submitted by site creators or evaluators and organized into subject categories Directories are useful when you are doing “topic-based research.” If you have a research project, or need to explore an idea, event, etc. directories are a good place to begin. Look into search engines for topics.
Search Engines A search engine is a searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program. This Way
Two Major Types of Search Engines Individual: An individual engine uses a spider to collect its own searchable index. Meta: A Meta engine searches multiple individual engines. It does not have its own index, but uses the indexes collected by the spiders of other search engines. This type of engine is covered later in this tutorial under the topic of Meta Search Engines. Spider: Program that traverses the Web from link to link, identifying and reading pages Index: Database containing a copy of each Web page gathered by the spider Search and retrieval mechanism: Technology that enables users to query the index and that returns results in a schematic order
Search Sites: Go This Way
General Search Sites: There are plenty more search sites, but these are just general ones that are very good and recommended sites.
My Cited Sites Keep Going
Cited Sites You can find very good information on these sites and more from the following links.
More Sites: You can find very good information on these sites and more from the following links. This Way
Helpful Sites: Research Guides Search Engines & Subject Directories
Thank You! These sites will help you find information on how to get started and how to find good search sites.