Unit 7: Management Organization Kathy L. Lantz MHS, MBA
Unit 7: Key Terms Review Job Job analysis Job evaluation Job description Work distribution chart Procedures
Unit 7: True or False Prioritization of processes and operations is the most significant step in the disaster recovery plan. Ranking will allow managers to determine the minimum number of staff necessary to perform each ranked function in priority order in a disaster. In disaster recovery, the organization as a whole assigns responsibilities to individuals and teams to coordinate the recovery process. Unpredictable and sometimes unpreventable hazards might endanger a disaster plan operation or survival.
Unit 7: Key Terms Review Knowledge Signals Data Information Wisdom Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge
Unit 7: True or False It is not necessary to test a recovery plan. Full-interruption testing is costly but often a first choice for managers planning disaster recovery. A created mechanism for comparing the progress of a project at different points in time is PERT. A Gantt chart is defined as a graphic representation of the time relationships in a project. PERT is the outgrowth of work performed by the US Army to reduce the time frame projected to complete the Polaris Ballistic Missile Project.
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Management: 1) Is a process generally defined to include planning, directing, controlling and leading. 2) Requires resources both external and internal to the manager. 3) Must meet objectives, attain goals, and produce results. 4) All of the above.
Unit 7: Multiple Choice In a broad sense, planning: 1) Refers to those activities that outline what needs to be done. 2) Refers to how to accomplish what needs to be done. 3) Results in better use of both time and money. 4) All of the above.
Unit 7: Multiple Choice A risk assessment is: 1) A method to measure an organization’s level of preparedness to prevent a disaster. 2) A method to measure an organizations level of preparedness to recover from the disaster 3) A comprehensive plan of actions to be taken 4) A and B
Unit 7: Multiple Choice What does not used to be done to plan for off-premise facility operations in a disaster? 1) Prioritization of processes and operations 2) Determine critical functions, procedures and equipment 3) Rank function in priority order 4) Prepare a detailed budget to carry out the plan
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Gantt charts are applicable to all but which of the following projects? 1) Projects in which the steps involved are highly interdependent 2) Project that pose limited changes to the process 3) Projects that involve simple repetitive tasks 4) Project that require simple and direct communication
Unit 7: Multiple Choice What requires the most attention from a manger with respect to a PERT network? 1) Showing interdependence between activities 2) Looking for critical paths 3) Tracking activities 4) Comparing to the Gantt chart
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Using work simplification, a manager looks at: 1) Overtime usage 2) Streamlining processes 3) Unfinished work 4) All of the above
Unit 7:Matching Policy Procedure Operational planning Disaster planning Disaster recovery plan Risk Assessment
Unit 7: Short Answer You are a HIPAA Security Officer at your facility. What is your role in disaster recovery?
Unit 7: Short Answer The HIPAA Security Officer is responsible for the information system Various business operations in the event of disaster Deciding what information systems, protected health information, and business function are involved. Deciding when to invoke the disaster recovery plan.
Unit 7: Short Answer What is the two-factor theory? Who designed it?
Unit 7: Short Answer The two-factor theory was designed by scientist Frederick Herzberg. The two-factor theory separates work motivation and job satisfaction into two entities. The concept that the two entities are separate is illustrated by the employee who is satisfied with her job but does not work above and beyond the minimum level required under the job performance standards.
Unit 7: Short Answer How is the control function linked to performance evaluation of an employee?
Unit 7: Short Answer A performance evaluation is an example of an output control. It can serve as a feedback mechanism for improving the employee’s future performance By identifying areas of solid and weak performance and opportunities for improvement.
Unit 7: Short Answer What are the motivators that make a person stay at a job?
Unit 7: Short Answer Motivators are internal to the nature of work. Including opportunities for: Personal growth Professional growth Achievement Autonomy Advancement Responsibility Recognition
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Manager perform the controlling function in all but which of the following ways? 1) Identifying the types of controls to be used 2) Setting standards 3) Planning objectives 4) Monitoring performance
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Quality of work can be measured by: 1) Incident reports 2) Spot-checking 3) Budget 4) A and B
Unit 7: Multiple Choice The legitimacy principle of negotiation focuses on: 1) Respect for the person involve 2) The fairness aspect 3) Seeking the positions of those involved 4) What is really sought by parties
Unit 7: Multiple Choice Process improvement has been shown to increase: 1) Speed 2) Productivity 3) Profitability of organizations 4) All of the above.
Unit 7: Short Answer The functions of project manager include:
Unit 7: Short Answer Understanding the scope function Strategic Planning Allocating resources effectively Assigning the right resources to the right tasks Attending to the communication function
McWay, D. (2008). Today’s health information management. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Academic Source