Dr. Otto W.K. Lee President August 27, 2015
Celia Parra, Student Speaker, 2015 Commencement
Budget Management Accreditation Enrollment Management
Unrestricted Allocation $44,183,275 Redistributions $327,300 Accreditation +$100,000 FON Subsidy +$180,000 Debt Repayment to the District -$1,087,094 Budget Assessment -$8,554,117 Available Budget $35,149,364
2015 – 2016 LAHC Budget is increased from prior year Final Budget for Board approval September 2, 2015 Budgets distributed to divisions, departments & units for management and spending.
We can do it! We will have a positive ending balance for Implement strategies for prudent fiscal management We will empower divisions, departments, & units by providing you ‘15-’16 budgets early on to enable you to plan effectively
State Target= 3.00% LACCD Target = 4.54% LAHC Target = 3.00% LAHC FTES = 6987 LAHC FTES Target = 7197
Final draft report to District mid-October Board Committee on IE campus visit and review late-October to early-November Board approval of report December 9 Report submitted to ACCJC January 7 ACCJC Visit March 7 -10, 2016
Accreditation requires participation by everyone – please serve on committees ALO: Interim VP Dr. Bobbi Villalobos Faculty Resources: o Dr. Ellen Joiner o Professor Jim Stanbery Institutional Research: Dr. Edward Pai
Outcomes and Assessments: SLO, SAO, PLO, ILO Program Reviews (2.0) Strategic Educational Master Plan (SEMP)
Have a great semester! We all help our students succeed! Questions?
Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access & student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic & workforce development, & basic skills instruction. Our educational programs & support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes. Approved LAHC Academic Senate & CPC ( ) & LACCD Board of Trustees ( )
The College Mission “states the purpose of the college and the population to be served as defined in state law.” Planning Handbook