Expectation from early LHC pp collisions: QCD and beyond SM Vladimir Gavrilov ITEP, Moscow November 25, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Expectation from early LHC pp collisions: QCD and beyond SM Vladimir Gavrilov ITEP, Moscow November 25, 2009

RDMS CMS 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 3 Российские институты участвуют в проекте CMS вместе с Объединенным институтом ядерных исследованийи другими странами-участницами ОИЯИ – коллаборация RDMS СМS – ( Russia and Dubna Member State CMS Collaboration), что обеспечивает концентрацию усилий всех участников  ГНЦ Институт Физики Высоких Энергий (ИФВЭ), Протвино  ГНЦ Институт Теоретической и Экспериментальной Физики (ИТЭФ), Москва  Институт Ядерных Исследований РАН (ИЯИ), Троицк  Петербургский Институт Ядерной Физики РАН (ПИЯФ), Гатчина  Московский Государственный Университет (НИИЯФ МГУ), Москва  Физический Институт РАН (ФИАН), Москва  Объединенный Институт Ядерных Исследований (ОИЯИ), Дубна и страны-участницы ОИЯИ

CMS detector in experiments hall 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 4

CMS fully assembled 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 5

Cosmic muons in CMS 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 6 Run CMS continuously to gain operational experience, stability of infrastructure Collected 300M (2008) and 520M (2009) cosmic events More than 99 % of registration channels were operational About 600 TB of data distributed widely The last analyses of these data used software release destined for 2009 data-taking & LHC grid infrastructure Detector and software performances are studied

“Splash” events 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM GeV LHC beam hits collimator 150 m in front of CMS

Splash event side view 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 8

900 GeV pp collision event in CMS 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 9

QCD at LHC 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 10 PDF

Charged particle multiplicity 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 11 Systematics ~10% 0.9 TeV 10 TeV

Underlying event 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 12

Underlying event 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 13

Inclusive jets 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 14

PDF knowledge 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 15

Dijet azimuthal decorrelation 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 16

Event shapes 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 17

Jet shapes with charged tracks 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 18 tr Second moment of the Jet profile in transverse momentum Main Systematic from JES Sensitive to MC generator Sensitive to q/g jet fractions CMS PAS QCD TeV, 10pb -1

Top quark 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 19

Top pair final states 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 20

Lepton + jets mode 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 21

Dilepton + jets mode 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 22

Cross section for dilepton decay 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 23

Experimental New Physics Signatures 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 24 Many channels in New Physics :Typical signals Di-leptons resonance/non-resonance, like sign/oposite sign Leptons + MET (=Missing transverse momentum/energy) Photons + MET Multi-jets (2  ~10) Mono/Multi-jets +MET (few 10  few 100 GeV) Multi jets + leptons + MET… B/  final states… Also: new unusual signatures Large displaced vertices Heavy ionizing particles (heavy stable charged particles) Non-pointing photons Special showers in the calorimeters Unexpected jet structures Very short tracks (stubs)…

SUSY search strategy 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 25

SUSY all hadronic modes 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM jets

SUSY di-lepton modes 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 27

Discovery reach vs collision energy 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 28

25 November 2009 Heavy Neutrino CMS discovery potential of the W R boson and right-handed Majorana neutrino for luminosity 30 fb -1, 10 fb -1, 1 fb -1. M(WR) = 1.2 TeV, M(Nl) = 500 GeV can be discovered with 40 pb 10 TeV LHC: QCD & BSM

Quantum Back Holes 25 November dim., M gravity = M Planck : Schwarzschild radius Black holes decay immediately by Hawking radiation (democratic evaporation) -- large multiplicity -- small missing E -- jets/leptons ~ 5 expected signature (quite spectacular …) 4 + n-dim., M gravity = M D ~ TeV Large partonic cross-section :  (ij  BH) ~  R S 2  (pp  BH) is in the range of 1 nb – 1 fb e.g. For M D ~1 TeV and n=3, produce 1 event/second at the LHC R s  << m R s  ~ m (10 19 GeV) Evaporates in sec Since M D is low, tiny black holes of M BH ~ TeV can be produced if partons ij with  s ij = M BH pass at a distance smaller than R S LHC: QCD & BSM

Black Hole Studies 25 November 2009 Already possible to discover with 1 pb -1 !!! However cross sections largely unknown (and challenged) # of jets, leptons and photons Sum of all pt of the objects Luminosity needed LHC: QCD & BSM

Summary 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 32 Detectors are ready for collisions A lot of QCD studies will be performed in 2010 Many exotic features will be searched for in 2010 More details in other talks: - N.Lychkovskaya (ITEP) - A.Leonidov (FIAN) - R.Ryutin (IHEP) - A.Snigirev (SINP) - S.Shmatov (JINR) - M.Savina (JINR)

BACKUP 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 33

CMS detector 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 34

ECAL vs HCAL in splash 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 35

MB: single particle spectra 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 36 Diff. yields of identified π ±, K ±, p/p ̅ together with Tsallis-function fits (inverse slope T = 0.2 GeV/c, high P T exponent n = 7.2 chπ Kp Pixel Si-Strip

Jet algorithms at LHC 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 37

Single top 25 November 2009 LHC: QCD & BSM 38