1 GLD and related R&D activities in Japan Akiya Miyamoto KEK 23-Nov-2006 Tsinghua University.


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Presentation transcript:

1 GLD and related R&D activities in Japan Akiya Miyamoto KEK 23-Nov-2006 Tsinghua University

2 Contents Performance goals of ILC detector GLD concepts and expected performance Detector technology studies  Vertex detector  TPC  Calorimeter DCR

3 Physics Scenario at ILC

4 Vertexing  ~1/5 r beampipe,~1/30 pixel size (wrt LHC) Tracking  ~1/6 material, ~1/10 resolution (wrt LHC) Jet energy (Higgs self-coupling, W/Z sep. in SUSY study)  ~1/2 resolution (wrt LHC) ( Or better ILC Detector Performance Goals

5 e + e -  WW/ ZZ Main processes to study if Higgs sector is strongly interacting WW ZZ  fb) No. of jet events (1ab -1 ) Distribution: Sum of BreitWigner and Gauss  of Gauss is  /sqrt(E) No. of Events=  xLxBr(W/Z  qq’) M 1 qq(GeV) M 2 qq(GeV) Projection to M 1 =M 2 Hard to separate W/Z

6 e + e -  ZHH at 500 GeV  Main channel to study Higgs self-coupling  Total cross section ~ 500 GeV By Yasui Analysis by TESLA DIST is used to separate signal from background Jet energy resolution is crucial to see signal

7 Higgs study in lepton mode Higgs mass measurement by Z recoil method  Model independent Higgs search   m h ~50MeV,  ~3% possible in SM  Mh is very sensitive to loop effect in SUSY models:  Lesser effects of beam related background  Needs excellent tracker performance

8 GLD Concept Large ECAL inner radius for optimal PFA, readout by Scintillator + SiPM/MPPC for cost efficiency Large gaseous main tracker + several layers of IT + VTX Moderate B Field (3T) TPC ECAL HCAL Coil Muon

9 Comparison to other concepts SiD LDCGLD Silicon CT EM: W/Si 5Tesla TPC CT EM: W/Si 4Tesla TPC CT EM: W/Scintillator 3Tesla GLD: Large ECAL radius  good for better jet energy resolution

GLD GLD features 1. Moderate B field (3T), All detector except Muon, inside a coil 2. Large inner radius of ECAL(~2m) to optimize for PFA. Absorber: W(ECAL), Iron (HCAL) Fine-segmented scintillator read out by MPPC 3. Gaseous tracker: TPC with MPGD readout Excellent  p t /p t 2 and pattern recoginition Vertex and Intermediate Tracker TPC coil

GLD organization Member :16 countries, 77 Univ./Inst. 224 members Contact Persons H.Yamamoto, H.B.Park (Asia), G.Wilson(NA) R.Settles, M.Thomson(EU) UK 5 Germany 3 Italy 2 Netherlands 1 Rusia 1 Japan 28 Philipine 2 Korea 8 Australia 2 China 5 India 4 Singapole 1 Vietnum 1 USA 11 Canada 1 # inst. Executive board S.Yamashita - Benchmark A.Miyamoto - Software Y.Sugimoto - Vertex Detector H.J.Kim - Intermediate Tracker A.Sugiyama/R.Settles – TPC T.Takeshita - Calorimeter/Muon T.Tauchi - Interaction Region H.Yamaoka - Coil & Structure P.Ledu - DAQ M.Tomson - Space GLD Concepts has been developed through s and TV meetings discussion GLD DOD: physics/ Task forces (since March 2006) IR (T.Tauchi ) PFA (T.Yoshioka) Tracking ( to be decided) ILC crossing angle, Detector hall, push/pull options, etc are hot topics in recent meetings

12 Geant4 simulation of GLD Geometry implemented in Jupiter 1 module  ECAL: 33 layers of 3mm t W/2mm t Scint./1mm t Gap  HCAL: 46 layers of 20mm t Fe/5mm t Scint./1mm t Gap  CAL readout cell  2cmx2cm (Default)  1cmx1cm ( studied in parallel )  Strip shape: 1cmx5cm 10cm air gap as a readout space

Typical Event Display - ZH → h : Two jets from Higgs can be seen.

14 Tracking Momentum resolution: based on cheated PFA ( GLD DOD ) Track finders are yet to be developed !

15 A typical CAL. performance by Y.Kawakami and H.Ono Energy Resolution(  E/E) Gamma K0L Performances have to verified/confirmed by beam tests in coming years

16 e+e+ e-e- Realistic PFA Critical part to complete detector design  Large R & medium granularity vs small R & fine granularity  Large R & medium B vs small R & high B  Importance of HD Cal resolution vs granuality  … Algorithm developed in GLD: Consists of several steps  Small-clustering  Gamma Finding  Cluster-track matching  Neutral hadron clustering Red : pion Yellow :gamma Blue : neutron

- Performance in the EndCap region is remarkably improved recently. - Almost no angular dependence : 31%/ √ E for |cos  |<0.9. All angle - Z → 91.2GeV, tile calorimeter, 2cm x 2cm tile size Jet Energy Resolution (Z-pole) T.Yoshioka (Tokyo)

Jet Energy Resolution - Jet energy resolution linearly degrades. (Fitting region : |cos  |<0.9) - Energy dependence of jet energy resolution. T.Yoshioka (Tokyo) Next step is  Optimization of detector configuration  Using physics process, such as ZH, TT, etc,

19 Concepts - Technologies

JSPS Creative Scientific Research Just started (2006) 400M\ in 5 years + 6 Post.Doc. Positions Research Items:  Develop key technologies for the ILC detectors  Detector optimization and develop GRID as an ILC computing infra. Research and Development of a Novel Detector System for the International Linear Collider Coordinated by : Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.) Optimization Vertex Detection Tracker MPGD MPPC FPCCD Develop state-of-the-art new sensors Calorimeter GRID

21 VTX R&D in Japan Challenge of ILC Vertex detector  To achieve performance goal, vertex detector has to  Thin( 3  Bunch spacing, ~300nsec, is too short to readout O(1) Giga pixels, but occupancy is too high if accumulate 3000 bunches of data with a standard pixel size of ~ 20x20  m 2. No proven technology exist yet. Candidates are,  Readout during train  CPCCD, MAPS, DEPFET, …  Local signal storage, and readout between train  ISIS, CAP, FAPS, …  Fine Pixel, readout between train  FPCCD (5x5  m 2 pixel CCD) In Japan, we (KEK-Tohoku-Niigata collaboration) are proposing Vertex Detector using Fine Pixel CCD (FPCCD) We believe FPCCD is the most feasible option among the proposed technologies

22 FPCCD Vertex Detector Baseline design for GLD 2 layers  Super Layer, 3 super layers in total minimize the wrong-tracking probability due to multiple scattering 6 layers for self-tracking capability Cluster shape analysis can help background rejection Low PtHigh Pt 1/10~1/20 noise hits reduction expected from simulation

23 FPCCD Chip 5  m pixels, to reduce occupancy  Promising, because Fine pixel CCD device exists already for optical applications Fully depleted epitaxial layer to suppress charge spread by diffusion Multi-port readout with moderate (~ 15MHz) readout Low temperature operation to keep dark current negligible for 200msec readout cycle.

24 Challenge of TPC technology Principle of TPC Pad Plane Bz E Central Membrane Drift Time  Z position Position at Pad plane  r  position Challenges To achieve  r  2m  MWPC (large ExB not good)  MPGD readout R&D issues Gas amplification in MPGD : GEM, MicroMegas Properties of chamber gas: drift velocity, diffusion Ion feedback control

25 KEK PI2 beamline Beam Saga-Hiroshima-Kinki-Kougakuin-TUAT-KEK +MSUIIT+MPI+CEA/CNRS+Carleton

26 Beam test result: example Better understanding of resoltion vs drift length, B field, pad size, GEM/Micromegas, etc. obtained. 0T 1T Plan of coming years  Studies of MPGD, Gas properties, etc by Large Prototype together with LCTPC

27 Calorimeter Finely segmented sandwich calorimeter  Active material: Scintillator  Huge number of channel:  EM-CAL(10M), HD-CAL(6M)  Sensor inside 3T magnet Photon sensor: Multi-Pixel Photon Counter  Under development by Hamamatsu Photonics and many other companies.  High Gain (~10 6 ), High Efficient(~60%) Low operating voltage(~60V), Good even in 5 Tesla, will be cheap.  Limited dynamic range, noise ? CAL. With MPPC readout will be tested soon at DESY/FNAL Kobe-Shinshu-Niigata-Tsukuba-Tokyo

28 Photon Sensor R&D Merits of Silicon Photon Pixel Counter  Work in Magnetic Field  Very compact and can directly mount on the fiber  High gain (~10 6 ) with a low bias voltage (25~80V)  Photon counting capability O(1k) pixels, Each pixel is in Geiger mode. # hit pixel = # input lights Front View of sensor 4 mm 3 mm ~1.3mm t

29 Detector DCR Companion document to GDE’s Reference Design Report (RDR) which outlines baseline and costs for the ILC machine. DCR has three pieces: Physics (50p)+Detector(150p)+Executive Summary DODs (Detector Outline Documents) provide much of the material for the Detector DCR WWS-OC oversees writing the DCR Overall Editorial Board Brau, Richard, Yamamoto Physics Case for ILC Editors J. Lykken, M. Oreglia, K. Moenig, A. Djouadi, S. Yamashita, Y. Okada ILC Detectors and Costs Editors A. Miyamoto, T. Behnke, J. Jaros, C. Damerell

30 More about DCR The RDR and DCR are due at the end of 2006 The DCR must make a compelling case for ILC physics and detectors The Detector DCR will make the case that detectors can do the ILC physics show that detector designs are within reach note that advances in detector technology are needed show the progress on detector R&D ballpark detector cost argue for 2 detectors Spirit of the DCR cooperative among concepts, not a vs b vs c vs d vs … supported by the international ILC detector community

31 The Outline of the DCR 1.General Introduction 2.Challenges for Detector Design and Technology 3.Introduction to the Detector Concepts 4.MDI Issues 5.Subsystem Designs and Technologies 6.Sub-Detector Performance 7.Integrated Physics Performance 8.Why We need 2 Detectors 9.Detector Costs 10.Future Options 11.Next Step 12.Conclusion

32 Detector DCR Wiki Rough Drafts Available Now! (thanks Ties) Caveat: Drafts are evolving rapidly. It’s too early for comments. J.Jaros, Valencia 2006