Eye problem in patients with Diabetes
Retina Cornea Lens Macula Optic Nerve DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE EYE
Eye in Diabetes We are manly concerned about the back of the eye called RETINA. We are manly concerned about the back of the eye called RETINA. Do not correct your lens power unless sugar control is stabilized. Do not correct your lens power unless sugar control is stabilized. Remember once a year eye check is a must. Remember once a year eye check is a must.
How Common is Diabetic Retinopathy? 25% of diabetics have some form of DR 25% of diabetics have some form of DR By 20 years - 100% of type I By 20 years - 100% of type I - 60% of type II - 60% of type II have DR
Mild Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Eye – A bit more
Diabetic Macular Edema
Bleeding inside eyes
Laser treatment
After Laser treatment
Routine screening Retinopathy should be assessed by an Ophthalmologist at diagnosis and then once every year if normal, Retinopathy should be assessed by an Ophthalmologist at diagnosis and then once every year if normal, If not normal, the specialist will tell you what to do, If not normal, the specialist will tell you what to do, Remember, it is too late when diabetic retina affects vision – you need to catch the train in the correct time. Remember, it is too late when diabetic retina affects vision – you need to catch the train in the correct time.
Thank You These slides are prepared in collaboration with Dr Nitin Shetty, Retina Surgeon