2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Nationwide DMV Access to Vital Records: Kentucky’s Role Presented by: Jay Maxwell President & CEO, Clerus Solutions June 3, 2008
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Agenda Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Are Working Well Aspects that need more help Plan for Nationwide Implementation REAL ID-based Concerns
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Installation of EVVE at the vital records agencies. Installation of state server. Programming to connect state vital records database to state server. Installation of EVVER at Driver License Agencies AAMVA’s UNI software DMV Programming to connect to UNI Software Operation of the EVVE/EVVER technical components NAPHSIS components AAMVA components Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Are Working Well
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 State vital records agencies have not had the time and resources to continuously monitor system feedback. We do not have good information regarding the relationship of “red lights” (i.e. system no match responses), to fraud. Conclusion: Dedicated help (people and tools) will be needed to assist each state vital records agency with this task. Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Need Further Support
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Need Further Support State driver licensing agencies are not making licensing decisions based on responses from the system. Red lights are not analyzed to determine if fraud was the cause. No formal procedures have been developed to resolve “red light” responses. Conclusion: Establishment of protocols and tools for resolving red lights are essential to the success of the program.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Need Further Support Relationships between the state vital records agency and the state driver licensing agency vary from state to state. The site visits conducted by Kentucky have acted as a catalyst for building a better relationship between these state agencies. Conclusion: Dedicated help will need to be available to ensure these relationships are built and maintained.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Aspects of EVVE/EVVER That Need Further Support There is not much data on which to base conclusions regarding best practices. Pilot states utilize their Fraudulent Document Recognition (FDR) training to first determine if the birth certificate appears to be genuine. Many cases of fraud are detected at this point, therefore the pilot states do not even query EVVE/EVVER if the document is obviously fraudulent. Using this pre-screening technique, in combination with the fact that the pilot states do not see significant amounts of fraud, creates a situation where the volume of fraud detected by EVVE/EVVER in the pilot states is not significant. Conclusion: We must get larger population states involved in the pilot of EVVE/EVVER so that we have enough program volume for the development of best practices.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Plan for Nationwide Deployment One or two large population states need to implement EVVE/EVVER so that best practices can be developed. An automated tool needs to be developed that assists state vital records agencies and driver licensing agencies with exchanging data to resolve “red lights” returned by the system. Procedures and protocols need to be developed for resolving red lights. NAPHSIS needs to staff up a team of dedicated resources to assist state vital records agencies with EVVE/EVVER activities. AAMVA needs to staff up a team of dedicated resources to assist state driver licensing agencies with EVVER implementation and operation.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Plan for Nationwide Deployment Verification Exception Resolution Tool (VERT). Assist with the state agency data exchange that must take place to resolve red lights. Inter-state Intra-state Gives the customer (driver license applicant) some help.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Real ID-Based Concerns Real ID imposes deadlines State DMV’s must be in full compliance by May, 2011 Nationwide roll-out of EVVE should be ready in time. Concern regarding the completeness and accuracy of vital records data by that timeframe.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Real ID-Based Concerns Completeness and Accuracy of Data Kentucky will fund a portion of state VRA data clean up costs (data clean-up tool) out of the $4 million grant. NAPHSIS estimates that a nationwide effort to review and improve the availability and quality of electronic birth data back to 1935 would cost approximately $106 million.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Real ID-Based Concerns What happens should this funding fail to appear in time for the May 2011 deadline? Give DMV’s a solid foundation in AAMVA’s Fraudulent Document Training (FDR). Use the data clean-up tool funded by the $4 million grant to identify specific anomalies within each state database. Program EVVE/EVVER and VERT to assist state agencies by identifying alternative information that could be used to verify the birth certificate. In other words, a combination of procedural protocols and electronic information sharing could, for the short term, compensate for data quality issues.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Items of Critical Concern TaskStatus Install EVVE NationwideFunded Add 2 more DMV’sFunded Operate EVVERFunded through September 2008 Clean up Vital Record DatabasesNot Funded Develop & Deploy VERTNot funded Develop Best PracticesHigh level design funded Increase Staff at NAPHSISNot Funded Increase Staff at AAMVANot Funded Deploy at all DMV’sNot Funded Funding
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Items of Critical Concern We don’t know if our short term plan will be effective enough. If the “no match” rate overwhelms the resources available in the states, the program will fail. A user fee structure must be created soon so that states can ask their legislatures for operating funds. Failure to establish an acceptable cost structure well before system users are responsible for paying user fees will create a financial crisis within the program.
2008 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence Orlando, FL June 1 st – 5 th, 2008 Questions? Nationwide DMV Access to Vital Records: Kentucky’s Role