Ch 11 Special Senses: The Eyes and Ears
Terms for Eyes Iris- ir/i, ir/o, irid/o, irit/o- controls the amount of light entering the eye Lens- phac/o- focuses rays of light on the retina Retina- retin/o- converts light images into electrical images and transmits them to the brain
Terms for Ears Outer ear- pinn/i- transmits sound waves to the middle ear Middle ear- myring/o, tympan/o- transmits sound waves to the inner ear Inner ear- labyrinth/o- receives sound vibrations and transmits them to the brain
Medical Specialists Audiologist- specializes in the measurement of hearing function and the rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairments Ophthalmologist- specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eye Optometrist- holds a Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree and specializes in measuring the accuracy of vision to determine whether correction lenses or eye glasses are needed
2 nd of 12 paired cranial nerves part of the CNS cranial nerves enables the eyeball to hold its spherical shape color and light sensitive and the central point of sharpest vision Contains rods and cones that convert light into energy signals sent to the brain by the optic nerve Refracts light Allows light to enter the retina A space with fluid
Ch 11 Terms blephar/o eyelid dacryocyst/o lacrimal sac (tear sac) irid/o iris, colored part of eye kerat/o cornea, hard ophthalm/o eye, vision optic/o, opt/o eye, vision ot/o ear, hearing presby/o old age pseud/o false retin/o retina, net
Words Blepharoptosis> drooping of the upper eyelid Dacryocystsis> an inflammation of the lacrimal sac that is associated with faulty tear drainage Iridectomy> surgical removal of a portion of the iris tissue Keratitis> inflammation of the cornea of the eye Ophthalmologist> a specialist in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eye Optmetrist> a specialist in measuring the accuracy of vision to determine if corrective lenses of eyeglasses are needed Otomycosis> a fungal infection of the external auditory canal Presbyopia> changes in the eye that occur with aging Pseudophakia> an eye in which the natural lens is surgically replaced with intraocular lens Retinopexy> laser treatment to reattach a detached retina