+ Unit 1: Lesson 5
+ Brainstorming who we are in Canada Find the sheet that has Grade 9 Social Studies Brainstorming Follow the steps on the sheet and answer the questions on the following page Don’t forget to identify which things/people are Canadian Once you’ve answered the questions, as a class we will discuss: The influence mass media and pop culture has on you? The influence mass media and pop culture has on groups? The influence mass media and pop culture has on communities?
+ Huh? Mass Media? Pop culture? Mass Media: Instruments of communication that reach a large number of people like newspapers, magazines, television, radio, facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, internet, video games, movies, etc. Pop Culture: The part of culture, particularly the realms of the arts, entertainment, and fashion, that appeals to or is consumed by the masses and is often commercially-driven
+ Yeah yeah, but it doesn’t influence me! QQ QQ Do you believe this video? Why or why not? How about this one? Do you believe it? Why or why not? M M What message is this one trying to tell you?
+ So, Media influences me? How? Image What size you should be, should you be buff or not Technology Which phone, computer, video game you should have Music/Movies Which movie you should see, what music you should listen to Fashion What you should wear, what brand Behaviour Negative behaviour, violence, language, bullying, etc. Cultural/Political Awareness Youth know more about politics and are leading new political movements Social Skills More social interaction and learning about social interaction
+ Assignment #5: Popart You will be making a work of art It will use common and mass- produced items to create your work of art But what is popart Miss Boyd? Did you make that up? How about some examples?
+ Do you think this is Art?
+ These are both examples of Pop art Pop art was an art movement that began in the mid 1950’s It uses images from popular culture such as advertising, news, etc. It uses aspects of modern culture such as advertising, comic books, and other cultural objects. It basically used common and mass-produced items to create art (eg. Cola bottles, soup cans, cartoon characters, etc.) Artists would use these items to make a sarcastic commentary on popular culture Famous artists included Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg, and Duane Hanson.
+ Andy Warhol
+ Assignment #5: Make your own Pop Art Choose something from pop culture (preferably Canadian) Eg. A Mountie, An Inukshuk You will create your own version of that person, place or thing like the pop artists you have seen Remember, you can be as colourful as you want just like the artist examples you were given