THE EYE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE AGENDA Margaret Whellans Group Director Community Based Services Gateshead Council
THE MAIN POLICY DRIVERS The White Paper - Our Heath, Our Care, Our Say Putting People First and the new NHS Constitution The Green Paper on Adult Social Care Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS Leadership Partnership Demographics Service Transformation Personalisation and Individualised Outcomes
LEADERSHIP Director of Adult Social Services Director or Public Health Strategic Commissioners in the PCT and Council Elected members Partnership Boards
PARTNERSHIP Invest in a stronger Third Sector Internal Health partnerships Internal LA partnerships to maximise citizenship and community resources Local, sub regional and regional partnerships
DEMOGRAPHICS Eye health and sight loss must be profiled in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Approx 25% adults across SOTW are obese and predicted to rise to 33% by % increase in diabetes in Gateshead within last three years 20.2% of Gateshead children recorded as obese at year 6 (aged 10/11 years) By 2025 a 30% increase projected in over 75s with a visual impairment in Gateshead Poor health often linked to poverty Commissioners can’t ignore health and social care trends which affect eye health
SERVICE TRANSFORMATION – THE GATESHEAD EXPERIENCE Review Specialist Teams Second staff into the voluntary sector Invest in Third Sector for new roles and new ways of working Maximise Community Equipment and Supporting People funding Keep up with medical, digital and assistive technology Maximise in social capital through user involvement, volunteering and peer mentoring