Food Storage How to keep your food safe By: Jennifer Ellison Consumer Health 4th grade
Why do we need to properly store our food?
Food Spoils
Why does food spoil? Because it is not stored properly
Two types of bacteria Food-spoiling BacteriaFood-spoiling Bacteria causes food to rot and turn bad Food-poisoning bacteriaFood-poisoning bacteria can make humans sick
Some characteristics Smells bad Turns color Grows mold Gets slimy Tastes bad
How to prevent food from spoiling Cold foods should be kept at or below 41 degrees Hot foods should be kept at or above 140 degrees All food should be covered Don’t let foods stand at room temperature
Where to store certain foods Refrigerator (Cold Storage) Dairy Products (milk) Juices Cooked Food Opened Condiments Eggs Meat Cabinets (Room Temperature) Dry Cereal Bread Canned Goods Dry Pasta Food Mixes Flour
What Food Never Spoils? Sugar
Tell me where these food should go
Content area two: Nutritional Choices Standard 3: Demonstrate the ability to practice behaviors that enhance health and reduce risks. By the end of grade five, students should be able to explain the relationship between food selection and oral health; demonstrate safe and sanitary food handling procedures that prevent disease; and demonstrate the ability to practice appropriate nutrition behaviors and make healthy nutritional choices. Curriculum Standards