Guidelines for Using the Learning Package
Objectives Describe the purpose and overarching structure of the learning package Describe the purpose of each of the lessons in this learning package Provide guidelines for using these materials to support traditional group- based training Provide guidelines for innovative use of these materials for either group or self- based learning
Guidelines for Using Traditional Training Materials Learning package provides MS PowerPoint ™ graphics and Word ™ speaker scripts for: – Oropharyngeal Candidiasis – Esophageal Candidiasis – Cryptococcal Meningitis Presentations contain current information and evidence-based practice recommendations Can be downloaded from Diflucan Partnership website or CD
Guidelines for Using Traditional Training Materials Presentations can be adapted based on regional needs Graphics require MS PowerPoint ™ software to operate Presentation Script provided in MS Word ™ Script can be used by trainers while preparing for and delivering presentations Script can be altered by trainers as necessary
Guidelines for Using Interactive Presentations Interactive presentations and PowerPoint™ graphics contain identical information Interactive presentations can be set to launch and run automatically as an alternative to the trainer delivered presentation Presentations can be used independently as part of a learner controlled learning experience
Guidelines for Using Simulations Simulations for Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Candidiasis Simulations allow learner to have a “virtual” clinical experience Promote application of knowledge obtained in presentations Promote the development of clinical decision making skills
Conclusion We hope that you find this learning package: Promotes optimal management of the opportunistic infections targeted by the Pfizer Diflucan Partnership Program Interesting and engaging to learners Flexible for trainers and learners