Coastal Restoration Updates September 10, 2007 Coastal Restoration Updates September 10, 2007 Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
CIAP Current Timeline Involve CPRA Interagency Planning Team and Corps of Engineers in screening of CIAP proposalsInvolve CPRA Interagency Planning Team and Corps of Engineers in screening of CIAP proposals –Governor submitted Plan to DOI Secretary and Minerals Management Service (MMS) June 1, 2007 –State began implementing several restoration projects included in Plan, using State funds June 2007 –MMS determined Plan to be complete; initiated approval review July 30, 2007 –MMS approval of Plan anticipated; State begins submitting CIAP grant applications to MMS Late October 2007
State Early Action Projects -ENGINEERING AND DESIGN -Violet Diversion -Freshwater Bayou Bank Stabilization -Mississippi River Sediment Delivery Pipeline -Bayou Lamoque Diversion -Orleans Land Bridge Shoreline Protection -Blind River Freshwater Siphon -CONSTRUCTION -East Grand Terre Island -Barataria Land Bridge Dedicated Dredging -Grand Lake Shoreline Protection -Beneficial Use of Dredged Material -GIWW Bank Restoration -Terrebonne Parish -Rockefeller Shoreline Demo -Lake Salvador, Phase III Coastal Forest Conservation Initiative (Acquisition)
Surplus-Funded Restoration Projects Biloxi Marsh ($22M) Caminada Headlands OR HNC Complex ($40M) Marsh Creation near Freshwater Bayou ($4M) Cameron Parish Shoreline ($31M) Beneficial Use – Calcasieu Ship Channel ($5M) Pipeline Conveyance in Plaquemines Parish ($22M)
State Restoration Projects 44 projects completed: $49.71M Dedicated Dredging Program: 2 currently under construction, Grand Bayou Blue ($1.8M) and the Point Au Fer ($2.5M) project Mississippi River Reintroduction Into Bayou Lafourche (BA-25b): currently in design ($184M) Barrier Island Maintenance Program (BIMP): Engineering and design has been initiated on the first project funded through BIMP, the Bay Champagne Marsh Creation project ($3.5M)
CWPPRA Projects 143 active projects since 1991 74 projects completed – $625M; 71,000 ac protected/restored; 391,000 total acres benefited 14 projects under construction, 7 designed, 48 in E&D 7 projects ($183M) “ready to construct” but unfunded LA CWPPRA Funding = $ 2.4B 143 active projects since 1991 74 projects completed – $625M; 71,000 ac protected/restored; 391,000 total acres benefited 14 projects under construction, 7 designed, 48 in E&D 7 projects ($183M) “ready to construct” but unfunded LA CWPPRA Funding = $ 2.4B
Oyster lease Acquisition and Compensation Program Leases Acquired Bush Canal Bank Stabilization and Seabreeze Embankment Reconstruction Project Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government –(CIAP) Shoreline Protection in Lake Borgne at Shell Beach and Bayou Dupre Project (PO- 30) (CWPPRA) Pending Leases Acquisition North Lake Mechant Landbridge Restoration Project (TE-44) (CWPPRA) Pass Chaland to Grand Bayou Pass Barrier Shoreline Protection Project (BA-35) (CWPPRA) Barataria Barrier Island Complex Project: Pelican Island and Pass Chaland to Pass La Mer Barrier Island Restoration project (BA-38) (CWPPRA) Biological Survey Conducted Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Project Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District (Other Agency Request) Total Surveyed Acreage – 27,633.4 Number of Leases Acquired – 9 Pending Lease Acquisitions – 49
Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Large opportunity along Corps-maintained channels State contributed $1.4M for Wine Island restoration near HNC CIAP ($20M), State surplus funds ($5M) and LCA funds ($100M) to be available State, Port of Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Corps, and landowner working to restore marsh near Calcasieu Ship Channel using CIAP and State surplus funds Large opportunity along Corps-maintained channels State contributed $1.4M for Wine Island restoration near HNC CIAP ($20M), State surplus funds ($5M) and LCA funds ($100M) to be available State, Port of Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Corps, and landowner working to restore marsh near Calcasieu Ship Channel using CIAP and State surplus funds
SCIENCE 1. LCA S&T Program: Support the science and technology necessary to effectively address coastal ecosystem restoration needs and provide analytical tools, programmatic and project-specific reviews, and recommendations for studies to investigate scientific and technological uncertainties FY 06: $7M; FY 07: $5M 2. Coastwide Reference Monitoring System- Wetlands (CRMS-Wetlands): To date, 371 sites have been visited and characterized and approximately 176 sites are fully operational and collecting all data parameters $20.3M in funding authorized through FY Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM): Completed Coastal post-storm assessment video and photography Complete Coast-wide Shoreline Erosion Rates for Historic, Long-term, Short- term, and Near-term Time Periods (1880’s, 1920’s, 1980’s, 2004, 2005) Completed Bathymetric Surveys for sandy shorelines (Sabine to Mermentau, Raccoon Island to Sandy Point, and Chandeleur Islands) Completed LiDAR Surveys for sandy shorelines $0.5M yearly
Coastal Use Permit Streamlining Processing time for all permits reduced by 51% (59.9 days to 30.6 days) between 2002 and 2006.