Strand 1: Tofflers 1 st Wave Agricultural Age: Families worked the land together because they were tied to it for economic – 1950: Tofflers 2 nd Wave Industrial Age Families structure changed. Family were split apart to work in factories. Major focus on time – 2010: Toffler’s Third Wave Informational Age In 1959, the integrated circuit microscopic was created. It appeared in 1971 in large computers.
Strand 1: Toffler’s 4 th Wave Communication Age The work place calls for collaboration of others. Networking for fresh ideas to solve wicked Social Networking of this world globally.Social Networking Biotechnologies Computer chips placed in a human brain to work faster than an average computer. Cloning kittens to humans? Biotechnology is on the horizon.
Strand 2: Technological Advances : The Union Pacific Railroad, Incorporated. The first rails laid in Omaha, Nebraska that joined the Central Pacific Railroad in Promontory, Utah. 1876: Alexander Graham Bell’s telegraph Mr. Bell’s invention received a U.S. Patent for the harmonic telegraph. 1920’s Pre War Technologies
1930’s Audio Visual TechnologyCharles P. Ginsburg’s practical videotape recorder, (VTR) inducted in 1990.Google Android Tablet Laptop
Strand 3: Business and Corporate DevelopmentsHogan Steel Company How companies such as Adidas thrive in any economic storm Slide 5
Strand 4: Educational Theories of Learning and Instruction 1896 – Jean Piaget’s Child development. A biologist who moved to study the development of children’s understanding through observations – John Dewey’s Four educational writings Dewey is a renowned and influential American philosopher of Education. Cognitive Approach to Educationaol Technology
Strand 5 – Nature of Society and cultureConservatives versus DemocratsIntersection of Nature and Culture
Strand 6: Cloning HumansBiotechnologyUncle Sam needs a bailout