Word War I Review (active ) By: Sophia Chan & Luz Maria Aparicio
Causes of WWI 1)Assassination of ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary 2)Mutual Alliances: If one of the countries were attacked, the allied countries would come to aid and defend. As a reaction to the assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on serbia who was soon defended by Russia. Russia is declared war on by Germany due to their mobilization. To help Russia, France gets involved. By Russia using Belgium to get into France, Britain comes to the aid of France and Belgium. Staying on Britain’s side, Japan is included into the war. Some of the allies were: a) Russia and Serbia b)France and Russia c)Japan and Britain d)Britain, France, and Belgium e)Germany and Austria- Hungary 3) Militarism: a) 20th Century = technology to create more arms b) Increase in military and/or navy 4) Nationalism: Slavic peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to separate from Austria-Hungary to join Serbia. 5) New Imperialism: Great powers conflict over who influences parts of Africa and Asia especially for their raw materials.
United States Enter the War ❖ Woodrow Wilson tried to keep the United States neutral for 2 years before entering the war ❖ 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania by Germany ❖ March 1, 1917 Published Zimmermann Note to the public: Arthur Zimmermann(German foreign secretary) attempted to secretly create a German-Mexican Alliance by tempting them with the reacquisition of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona ❖ German U-boats sank 4 American merchant vessels that were unarmed ❖ Wilson asked for declaration of war from congress April 2, 1917 ❖ America officially declares war on Germany April 6, 1917
Wilson’s 14 Points Overview ❖ January 8, 1918 Wilson introduced his 14 points address with the intentions to keep Russia in the war, inspire allies, and to break the confidence of the enemy governments, and caused hope toward independence ❖ First few of the 14 points was: ➢ proposal to end secret treaties ➢ Freedom over the seas ➢ Economic barriers nations had with each other were removed ➢ Armament burdens reduced (liked by many taxpayers) ➢ Adaption of colonial claims associating natives and colonizers
Laborers and African Americans ❖ “work or fight” rule of 1918 by War Department put unemployed men in danger of being drafted ❖ Board didn’t support the right to organize unions ❖ 250,000 steelworkers strike in 1919 to walk off jobs so employers to honor their right to bargain collectively ❖ Black workers entering steel mills in North was tiny fraction ❖ Chicago had racial tensions as the black population grew and found jobs as strikebreakers and at meatpacking plants
Economy and Financial Crises ❖ Herbert C. Hoover, head of Food Administration, helped to feed Americans and the US’s allies ➢ Rejected the use of ration cards, and instead waged propaganda campaigns ➢ To save food for export: wheatless wednesdays, meatless tuesdays, and volunteers participation ❖ “Victory gardens” ➢ Restricted foodstuffs to be manufactured into alcoholic beverages ❖ Farm production increase ¼ and food exports to allies increase by 3 times
Women ❖ Female workers worked in factories and fields to fill in jobs men left behind to go to war ❖ National Woman’s party led by progressive era feminists/ pacifists ➢ Led by quaker Alice Paul with marches and hunger strikes ❖ National American Woman's Suffrage Association ➢ Supported Wilson and his war ❖ 1920, 19th Amendment ratified and allowed women the right to vote ❖ Women allowed to join armed forces ➢ 11,000 in Navy ➢ 269 in Marines
Timeline of WWI-1914 June 28-Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s assassination in Sarajevo July 28-Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia “ ” 31-Russia, allies w/ Serbia, announces mobilization of troops August 1-Germany declares war on Russia “ ” 3-Germany declares war on France “ ” 4-Germany declares war on neutral Belgium to defeat France > Britain declares war on Germany “ ” 6-Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia “ ” 22-“Battle of the Frontiers” French offensive on Germany, 27,000 French deaths in 1 day “ ” Battle of Tannenberg German victory vs. Russia September 5-10-Battle of the Marne halts German invasion in France “ ” 15-Start of trench warfare December 25-Unofficial Christmas Truce on western front
Timeline cont January-“Total War” German Zeppelin air raid on England February 4-German submarine blockade on Great Britain April 25-Start of 9 month battle for Gallipoli (Turkey) May 7-Sinking of Lusitania w/ 128 American deaths August 30-Germany ceases attacks on American Ships September 15-Start of gas warfare by Britain December 28-Allies begin to withdraw troops from Gallipoli
Timeline-1916 February 10-British conscription (military draft) law in effect February 21-December 18-Battle of Verdun/“Battle of France” was the longest battle of the war which came to a draw between Germany and France April 19-President Wilson’s public warning against German attacks against unrestricted submarine warfare policies May 31-June 1-Battle of Jutland only major naval battle with no clear winner July 1-November 18-Battle of Somme 1,000,000 casualties and no breakthroughs but Britain introduced the tank to war November 7-Wilson re-elected December 7-David Lloyd George becomes prime minister of Britain
Timeline-1917 January 19-Zimmermann’s telegram urging Mexico to enter war was intercepted and shown to U.S. February 1-Resumption of Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare March 15-Tsar Nicholas II (Russia) abdicates. Provisional government declared April 6-Wilson asks Congress for declaration of war on Germany April Huge French loss at Chemin des Dames April-June-French soldiers’ strike because of continuous failed offensive May 18-Selective Service Act was the U.S. drafting act July 1-16-Russian army began last offensive in Galicia July 3- First wave American Expeditionary Force lands in France July 31-November 10-Third Battle of Ypres minor gains major casualties November 7-Bolshevik socialist led by Lenin overthrew Kerensky’s gov’t December 3-new Russian gov’t signed armistice with Germany (Trotsky) December 9-Britain captures Jerusalem
Timeline-1918 January 8-Wilson declares his 14 Points for peace March 21-Germany launches 1st of 5 major offensives in attempt to end the war April 25-British and American troops stop German advance near Amiens May 31-Germans on the banks of Marne are stopped by American forces at Chateau-Thierry July-German soldiers shipped to west front from east were deserting July Bolsheviks murder former Tsar Nicholas II, his immediate family, and his entourage August 3-Wilson sends troops to Russia September 27-Allied counter offensives push back German army on Somme October 28-German sailors mutiny October 30-Turks sign armistice November 9-Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates November 10-German republic founded November 11-German-Allies armistice signed and war ends
WWI Propaganda