Introduction to iVan Project Sandra Rowlands Cancer Network Mobile Information and Support Manager
iVan = information van and is the Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Network’s Health Awareness, Information and Support Vehicle
Aims of project: Deliver an NHS 15 month pilot to support the increase of cancer awareness within Merseyside and Cheshire which will ultimately support prevention and earlier detection of cancer. Work with employers to help raise awareness of cancer prevention and early detection within their work force Engage with different community groups Target specific cancers in relation to cancer awareness campaigns e.g Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October Target particular geographical areas and populations within Merseyside and Cheshire where intelligence data indicates high levels of particular cancers Feasibility study to determine the need for iVan long term in Merseyside and Cheshire
Description of iVan Mobile cancer information and support vehicle Staffed with experienced cancer health professionals and a resource assistant 26ft long and 7 1/2ft wide, 10ft 7’ high Seating area for approx 8 people DVD for small awareness/teaching sessions Cancer information resources available Internet access and printer facilities Disabled access
What iVan service provides Health Promotion advice Lifestyle Risk Assessment Cancer/treatment information and support Liaison with national/local campaigns Advice for referral to primary care for symptomatic visitors Targeted service to specific groups/communities
Evaluation of iVan Evaluation will be made in several ways: Client numbers Number of venues/visits made Evaluation completion by clients Feedback from PCTs Measurement of levels of intervention
Clients are assessed by level of intervention
Intention for actionUnderstanding potential behaviour change Outcomes from level 4 interventionsService activity number of referrals, cancer detection, other pathology/ Cost analysis Activity/ use of materials and resources Public demands Cancer Awareness MeasureHow does this link to PCT baselines Geographical dataEnsuring all PCTs have equal access Health Awareness and EducationActivity linked to events/ schools IVAN-Cancer Mobile Information and Support Service
Service Figures July-Nov 09 Level of InterventionNumber of contacts 05,831 11, Total number of contacts = 7,624
Types of venues and groups visited Shopping centres/supermarkets Mosque Chinese community centre Construction sites Work places Town centres Mathew Street Music Festival Chester Liverpool Bike Ride The seaside West Kirby and Llandudno Chester Zoo Conferences Deaf centre
Awareness themes of visits have included: Skin cancer, Breast cancer, Lung cancer Head and neck cancer Prostate
IVAN-Cancer Mobile Information and Support Service
Future plans To continue evaluation Ensure visits are linked to specific campaigns Areas of deprivation/ specific need Linked to screening uptakes
For further Information please contact below: Sandra Rowlands Cancer Network Mobile Information and Support Manager Or visit