OOI CyberInfrastructure Workshop: Ocean Observation Programs Preparation Phone Meeting May 5, 2008 Alan Chave, Michael Meisinger OOI CI System Engineering Team WHOI, UCSD/Calit2
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Topics Welcome Program & Workshop Goals Workshop Organization –Preliminary Agenda Preparation Materials Questionnaire Overview Clarification of Terms Expectations Feedback
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Goal of the OOI CI Implementing Organization To build –The next generation community cyber-infrastructure for an integrated ocean observatory system –Funded by NSF’s MREFC program –Serving scientists, educators and the general public –Integrating the resources of 3 co-funded marine observatories under construction: coastal/global, and cabled regional –Providing cyber-infrastructure support for sensor access, instrument data acquisition, processing and distribution, data analysis and visualization, mission planning and control –Guaranteeing security, data integrity and quality of service –With operational scope of 30 years –Designed and constructed in a time frame from 6/2007 to 2014
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Goals of the workshop The Ocean Observing Programs Requirements Workshop will –Focus on the needs of the instrument provider and science user communities for planning, simulating, and executing observational missions. –Target requirements elicitation from domain scientists and engineers –Discuss the following topics: Longitudinal programs –repeated observations of the same processes over long periods of time –automate tasks such as instrument configuration or calibration, instrument processes, data acquisition, metadata acquisition, or interactions with marine facilities Objective-driven observational programs –design, assemble, and operate configurations of fixed and mobile resources from across the OOI into unique systems for planning, testing and prosecuting observation requests, –leveraging the nested and autonomous capabilities of the fully integrated network of sensing, modeling, and control resources –behavior-based autonomous mission planning and execution –event-driven observational programs
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE NOT in scope of this Workshop Not goals –elaborating or refining the actual design of the OOI CI Will be topic of separate meetings, to be planned Topics, not covered by this workshop –instrument interfaces, instrument direct access or instrument life cycle management Data Product Generation Workshop, May 2008 –assimilation-driven programs, observing system experiments, observing system simulation experiments and the virtual ocean simulator Numerical Modeling Workshops, July 2007, Jan 2008
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Organization Location –WHOI, Woods Hole, MA –Fenno House Conference Room 410 on the WHOI Quissett Campus, 9:30am Participants –from outside and within the OOI Travel arrangements –Karen Schwamb, WHOI See Website –
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Workshop Agenda Time Frame –From Tuesday, 5/13 at 9:30am EDT –To Wednesday, 5/14 at 5pm EDT Topics –OOI program and CI overview –Science background and representative projects of participants –Existing science requirements validation –Topic analysis and use case sessions as-is envisioned scenarios –Extended questionnaire walk-through –Domain modeling session –Community involvement and Feedback
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Participant Questionnaire General –Goals are stated at the beginning of the questionnaire –An example filled out questionnaire will be provided for reference –Please fill out details as relevant Topics –Current Situation and Transformative Vision –Instruments and Instrument Platforms –Mission Tasking –(User and Application) Interfaces –Security, Privacy, Policy –Operation and Maintenance –Education and Outreach –Feedback, Additional Materials, Misc
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Domain Modeling Purpose –Depict core concepts of a domain with their dependencies –Increase language tangibility, create a common language Notation
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Reading Materials Requirements Workshop Reports –First Numerical Modeling –Second Numerical Modeling In particular the requirements Additional materials –see Website –OOI Overview –Concepts of Operations
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Questions Clarification of Terms Expectations for the workshop from the participants Organizational Questions For further information, please ask Alan Chave
OOI-CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE Thanks! Thanks a lot for your important contributions and your time and efforts!