ACSM Subgroup
What is our vision and Goal?
What are our objectives?
What are our issues?
Group Work
How to improve subgroup member engagement and communication? How can we initiate dialogue among ourselves in order to share and learn from each other? How can we be more unified with a collective voice advocating for ACSM in our countries and beyond?
Group 1 Recommendations QUESTION1 Website and blog for online discussions Have conference calls Meeting semi-annually (every 6 months) Translation Spanish / French to increase participation – expensive to have professional translation – at least colleagues translating to one another QUESTION 2 Have study visits More frequent meetings – including subregional meetings TB advocacy toolkit QUESTION 3 Regional meetings and conference calls before the annual meeting
Group 2 Recommendations QUESTION1 Directory of members Regional meetings with language diversity, not only English Thematic groups, e.g. engaging decision makers Skype for discussion on a regular basis Early meetings at Union meeting Appointment of regional coordinator to help organize regional meetings QUESTION 2 Develop points that we all have in common Open discussion on what best practices are - criteria Working together for problem solving. Identify problems and have open discussions. Need to discuss issue of poverty in our regions. Raise more voices to get more power. Ensure that Advocacy TB Toolkit has all documents available and accessible.
Group 2 Recommendations QUESTION 3 Learn from HIV/AIDS groups in our region to be more unified in our efforts Poverty, human rights and ethics Get more info on other subgroup on poverty Engage mass media and academic institutions for ACSM dissemination Learn how to best serve the patient perspective share this with NTPs
Group 3 Recommendations QUESTION1 Identify mechanisms for effective communications and engagement An interactive communication tools that enables translation of messages QUESTION 2 Need to identify incentives for being a member of the group Membership with responsibilities Involvement of patients QUESTION 3 Financial support for specific inclusion of affected communities Collective call to action Need time frame for the subgroup o be a cut DEWG tto progress from beyond to be a cut across all working groups.
Group 4 Recommendations QUESTION1 Reactivate ACSM people connector: e-forum. E-room to store key documents for the project, send out messages to all members, platform to work together on something. Need to agree on a co – coordination with secretariat. QUESTION 2 Establish ACSM list serve Making active use of the TB Advocacy Toolkit. Keep it updated with new publications. QUESTION 3 Newsletter would be very useful, editorial board with regional representation Keep website up to date
Recommendations for Action Update of website - Secretariat