Update PI-SWERL Sampling on Owens Lake Maarten Schreuder, Air Sciences Inc. 3/17/2010 Maarten Schreuder, Air Sciences Inc. 3/17/2010
Outline Background Updates to Sampling Plan Field Sampling Calibration Schedule for Current Dust Season Background Updates to Sampling Plan Field Sampling Calibration Schedule for Current Dust Season
Background - Timeline 07/08 - PI-SWERL first discussed with Panel 05/09 - First test on Owens Playa 09/09 - Field demonstration with Panel and District 11/09 - Panel § recommended development of PI-SWERL sampling plan 12/09 - Draft sampling plan presented to Panel and District 1/10 - Updated sampling plan distributed to Panel and District 07/08 - PI-SWERL first discussed with Panel 05/09 - First test on Owens Playa 09/09 - Field demonstration with Panel and District 11/09 - Panel § recommended development of PI-SWERL sampling plan 12/09 - Draft sampling plan presented to Panel and District 1/10 - Updated sampling plan distributed to Panel and District § Expert Panel Position Statement, Nov. 10, 2009
Updates to Sampling Plan -Field Measurements-
Field Sampling Approaches Routine sampling Event sampling Instrument comparison Routine sampling Event sampling Instrument comparison
Routine Sampling Study Area 1 and Study Area 3 Monthly sampling Sampling time: 1 day per area Up to 25 sampling points per area Approx. one sample per 15 acres (~250x250 m) Co-locate several points with District Sensits Study Area 1 and Study Area 3 Monthly sampling Sampling time: 1 day per area Up to 25 sampling points per area Approx. one sample per 15 acres (~250x250 m) Co-locate several points with District Sensits
Routine Sampling Study Area 1Study Area 3
Event Sampling Sampling across borders of delineated areas Sampling within 5 days of wind event Sampling time: 1 day per area Up to 25 sampling points per area Two or three transects per area Co-locate several points with District Sensits (where possible) Sampling across borders of delineated areas Sampling within 5 days of wind event Sampling time: 1 day per area Up to 25 sampling points per area Two or three transects per area Co-locate several points with District Sensits (where possible)
Event Sampling
Instrument Comparison PI-SWERL District wind tunnel MRI wind tunnel
Instrument Comparison Recommended by Panel Two or three sampling locations, representing different soil/surface types Main criteria: Surface emissivity (high/intermediate/low) Accessibility Sampling time: up to 1 day per site Instruments: MRI tunnel (N=4) District tunnel (N=4) PI-SWERL (N=8) Recommended by Panel Two or three sampling locations, representing different soil/surface types Main criteria: Surface emissivity (high/intermediate/low) Accessibility Sampling time: up to 1 day per site Instruments: MRI tunnel (N=4) District tunnel (N=4) PI-SWERL (N=8)
Updates to Sampling Plan -Calibration-
Calibration of OGS Need: Conversion of Optical Gate Sensors (OGS) output to a mass-based sand flux Several options available: Use recent progress by DRI/DustQuant in calibrating OGS output to total sand mass Calibrate OGS in PI-SWERL to mass-based sand flux in MRI tunnel Place OGS devices inside the MRI tunnel for real-time calibration Preferred option to be determined Need: Conversion of Optical Gate Sensors (OGS) output to a mass-based sand flux Several options available: Use recent progress by DRI/DustQuant in calibrating OGS output to total sand mass Calibrate OGS in PI-SWERL to mass-based sand flux in MRI tunnel Place OGS devices inside the MRI tunnel for real-time calibration Preferred option to be determined
Calibration of DustTrak Need: Calibration factor(s) for DustTrak specific to Owens Lake material Two or three representative soil types 1 O option: Procedure proposed by Jack Gillies § 2 O option: Compare DustTrak filter mass with real-time output Need: Calibration factor(s) for DustTrak specific to Owens Lake material Two or three representative soil types 1 O option: Procedure proposed by Jack Gillies § 2 O option: Compare DustTrak filter mass with real-time output § Expert Panel Position Statement, March 12, 2010
Schedule for Current Dust Season
Original Time Schedule TaskPlanning Data Collection Data Analysis Report Preparation Routine Sampling 3/2010 Through 8/ /201012/2010 Event Sampling Through 6/2010 Instrument Cross Comparison 6/2010 PI-SWERL Calibration Through 7/2010
Updated Schedule Utilize remainder of current dust season for planning and coordination. Realistic schedule: Instrument calibration: starting Fall 2010 Cross comparison: dust season Field sampling: dust season Collaboration with the District would speed the process and lead to a more acceptable end product. Utilize remainder of current dust season for planning and coordination. Realistic schedule: Instrument calibration: starting Fall 2010 Cross comparison: dust season Field sampling: dust season Collaboration with the District would speed the process and lead to a more acceptable end product.