Florida-Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries Updated 04/26/12 INSTRUCTOR TRAINING PROGRAM 1 R EFRESHER T RAINING
2 House Keeping One hour long Take notes Ask questions at any time Follow up and class evaluation
By the end of this refresher training you will be able to: Organize and teach GI-BMP classes in 2012 Describe the 2011 program updates Refresher Training
4 Maintaining Instructor Certification Follow the prescribed content Keep current with all GI-BMP materials Use only the most current versions of all materials Follow the length of time allotted for each module Complete refreshers and follow updates Teach at least one class per year
5 It belongs to the participant Participants need to keep the original and submit copies if needed Does not require renewal GI-BMP Certificate of Training
6 Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Commercial Fertilizer (Appendix 7) All commercial fertilizer applicators, by January 1, 2014 Application, GI-BMP cert., picture and $25 Holders exempt from further local testing Not required for private or institutional applicators o Institutional applicators may be required to obtain GI-BMP training per local ordinance
7 Authority to apply only fertilizers in urban landscapes for commercial gain Does not authorize: o Application of pesticides, including pesticide-fertilizer mixes [i.e. weed and feed] o Operation of pest control business o Application of pesticides or fertilizers by unlicensed or uncertified individuals under the supervision of a certified person Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Commercial Fertilizer
8 Modest reimbursement for training expenses [$15-$30] – classroom rental, copies, other materials, etc. If charging more than $30, you need to submit a justification to central office FDEP does not permit any type of compensation for instructors, except as part of normal duties of employment Class Fee
9 When delivering the GI-BMP training, you are representing the values and the professionalism of the program.
Before Training After Where Do You Begin? 10
Instructor Login
12 Resources required to organize a class Register classes Download the latest version of the class materials Instructor Login Will change soon!
13 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) 2 Core CEUs and 2 additional CEUs for the following licenses: o Private Applicator - Agriculture o Ornamental & Turf o Limited Lawn & Ornamental o Limited Landscape Maintenance o Commercial Lawn and Ornamental Current number Spanish and English [validity of one year, new ones in 2013] Florida Nursery Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA) 4 CEUS Continuing Education Units
14 Register all classes 30 days in advance Complete an electronic form online [Instructor Login] Only certified instructors can register classes Classes not officially registered >> no training certificates Registering Classes
17 Registration Waiver If a class is outside the 30 day registration period Complete form [Appendix 24] Requests will be based on: o Weather idling the workforce o Unexpected or uncontrollable event Approved by the Statewide Coordinator and the Regional Coordinators
18 Class Cancellations Notify state office – online form Notify registered participants [by phone] For insufficient enrollment: o Under 10 registered o 3 days notice
19 All attendees must complete one Must be legible Must be signed New form Available in Spanish Reproduce in white or light color paper Training Record No TR, no certificate!
20 Pre-fill the class info before copying CEUs? Certificate? Where to mail? Are they in the database? DOB / PIN: Student ID & online access Training Record
21 New Test Scanable Forms Request test in advance [estimate number] Allow extra time for instructions and bubbling Use new instruction presentation as aid Destroy unused tests
22 Pre-test to assess level of knowledge prior to training Customized for each class 40 Questions [8 per module] Passing score 75% [30/40] Scanable forms [new] Multiple choice and True/False questions Time 30 min [extra time?] Cover all the key points during training Test
Marking Instructions Completely fill in the “bubble” correct answer Mark only one answer Erase completely if changing answer Do not make any other marks
Make contact information is bubbled-in correctly
25 Q:What if you run out of scantron exams? A: You can make photo copies of the forms
26 Q:What if you do not receive the exams in time? A: Contact the central office, and they will send you a PDF printable copy over .
27 Test: Other Languages Instructors can make the required accommodations for simultaneous translation of the test Students are required to complete the written test in English or in Spanish : o Supervision of the instructor o Follow test guidelines described in the Instructor Manual Instructors are not required to provide this service Participants need to inform the lead instructor in advance
28 Review before the Test Recommended Based on the key learning points [Instructor Manual, Section 4] A word by word review is NOT approved
29 Send completed class materials to the GI-BMP Data Manager o Class Transmittal Form (Appendix 23) o Class registration and attendance list(s) o A legible, signed training record form for each attendee o Completed pre- and post-tests o Completed class evaluations Alphabetical order appreciated Keep copies as back up Certificate processing time 2 weeks Questions? Contact State Office Processing Documents
30 Information to process the class documents Official record of the class Presenter names for all modules Include all instructors Must be on top of materials Transmittal Form
Error in Spanish Manual Page 30, drop spreader should not be used when applying sulfur coated fertilizer. Corrected statement: “Debido a la frágil consistencia de la capa de azufre, muchos de estos productos no deberían ser aplicados con un aplicador de caída libre donde los gránulos caen directamente hacia abajo.”
32 Online GI-BMP Class Two Testing Options: Online In-person
33 GI-BMP certified instructors proficient in GI-BMP subject matters Considerable training experience Authorized by FDEP to assist with the training of new instructors Assist the RC with training new instructors [co-training ] Senior Instructors
34 Operation Cleansweep no longer in service Launching a DVD and workbook [CITT] Revising Powerpoint presentations [CITT] o New Module 1: Overview Other Updates
Thank you! Nonpoint Source Management Section Florida Department of Environmental Protection 35