Fall Conference Recap: Introducing Citation Push Button Sample Injector Dean Olson, Ph.D. Director, Customer Support
SMASH 2008 Sante Fe, NM (September 7-10)
Chicago Area NMR Meeting 2008 (St. Louis, MO, Nov. 8) and Princeton University Open House (Princeton, NJ, Oct 15-17)
Citation: Push-Button Sample Loader Chromatography-grade Fluidics Easy-to-use, Web-based Software Built-in Instrument Controller Integral Degassing Field-serviceable Valves Small-footprint benchtop packaging Enjoy the reassurance of feedback control, auto-calibration, and system self-maintenance in applications where the robot is not required Completely upgradeable to full robotic automation
Chromatography grade pumps Field-serviceable valves Integrated feedback control sensors Degas, blanket, sparge On-board instrument controller Protasis One-Minute™ NMR Lite Software
Full Robotic Automation Automated Push-Button Discrete Sample Loading vs. You pick