INto the Great Wide Open European Exploration and Colonization
Why Did Europeans Explore? Can you identify Europe on the map?
GoD Many parts of Europe were either Catholic or Protestant (two expressions of Christianty) Europeans believed that God had called them to bring the news of Jesus to the natives of far away lands For example,Christopher Columbus believed that when Asians heard the message of Christianty it would cause Jesus’ second coming to occur
Gold European nations were desperate for gold because they believed it would make them more powerful. Mercantilism (definition on next page) When the Spanish landed in the Carribean and South America they were looking for cheaper and faster routes to Asian markets, but they found large amounts of gold. This set off a chain reaction with other European nations wanting to come to the new world to find gold.
Mercantilism An economic theory that the wealth and power of a nation depends on its possession of precious metals and the government of a nation must maximize the foreign trade, and establish of colonies that exist for the benefit of the mother country.
Glory Explorers wanted bring glory and fame to themselves and to their country. Many European countries were not only anxious to discover riches but discover, counquer, map and colonize new places. Each European country wanted to be seen by the rest of the world as THE SUPERPOWER.
Who and Where? The Spanish- North and South America, primarily Interested in precious metals The Portuguese- South America, primarily interested in precious metals The English- North America, didn’t find precious metals became interested in cash crops and trade. Some sought religious freedom. The French- North America, looking for the Northwest Passage and were involved in fur trading with Native Americans