An appositive is a noun that renames another noun. It comes after the noun it renames. Think about our core sentence: The elephant charged the lions. In this case the elephant could be described as a creature, beast, being, animal, monster, or mammal. To add to the image of elephant, you could place one of those other nouns immediately after the word as in: The elephant, a beast, charged the lions.
You could also add adjectives to the appositive to create an even more powerful image. The elephant, an angry pound beast, charged the lions.
Notice that appositives are set off from the rest of the sentence with commas. Appositive Brush Strokes The newborn harp seal nestled in the snow. To strengthen this sentence, you might add an appositive brush stroke such as the following: The newborn harp seal, the tiny creature with snow-white fur, nestled in the snow.
Watch the video clip of the singer. Christina Grimmie 1) Rename the noun, Christina Grimmie, with a second noun such as artist, entertainer, performer, woman, or soloist. Use one of these examples or select a noun of your own and build an appositive phrase by adding a few descriptive words. Be sure to place a comma before and after your appositive. 3) Write your sentence on the lines provided on Monday’s Warm-up.
View this audition on the X-Factor by Chris Rene. Create an example of an appositive brush stroke, describing the performer from the X-Factor. Remember to set off your appositive with commas. X-Factor Audition
As you watch this video clip, write one sentence with an appositive describing one of the actors. You tube Clip from Fresh Prince of Bellaire
Brush Strokes: An Appositive Describe one of the animals in the video clip. Use one appositive with adjectives. Be sure to set it off with commas. Top 10 Largest Animals