Services of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia SUPPORT TO SMEs March 26th 2015, Belgrade
Overview and main activities Chamber of Commerce and Industry o Serbia
CCIS - overview CCIS is an independent, non-governmental, business-expert interest association of legal subjects and individuals who work in registered economic activity long tradition - first business association in Serbia under the name of "Trade board" was established on Members are: o enterprises involved in different activities belonging to all economic branches, in all forms of proprietorship o banks, insurance and other financial organizations o agricultural farms - as collective members through its association o crafts shops and other shops - as collective members through its association
CCIS – main activities advocates common interests of the enterprises and other economic subjects in front of the state authorities and organizations harmonizes interests and activities of companies provides information to its members and offers expert assistance and consulting services has catalyst role in the creation and realization of the development strategy, regional policy development, infrastructure and new projects strengthens business ethics through its courts of honor and arbitration issues certificates, attestations, permissions and licenses necessary for international trade, company state of solvency, registry keeping etc. informs the public and business community
Support to SMEs Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Information and consulting services (1) market, companies, production, export-import and other business information about Serbian economy foreign markets, groups, regions; market access; business environment legislative analysis in the area of economy feasibility studies consensual financial restructuring commercial mediation introduction of quality system management patent protection rights and technology transfer
Information and consulting services (2) databases which can be searched by various criteria organisation of participation on the trade fairs, exhibitions, trade missions... market research education corporate governance franchizing Excellent SME certificate controlling of private security services
Business portal Launched new business portal
Thank you for your attention! Natasa Kecman, M.Sc. Director of Services and Mediation Centre Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia