Regulations of Geothermal HP systems at local and regional level in Europe Contract nº: IEE/11/041 01/05/2012 to 30/04/2015updated: March 2014
PROJECT CONCEPT The lack of normative framework in some regions (juvenile) and the over-regulation in other regions (mature) are limiting the implementation of the SGE systems in Europe. Focusing on countries with ambitious objectives on SGE, the project aims to remove and clarify the non- technical administrative and regulatory barriers at local and regional level affecting the uptake of SGE systems. By addressing the above, REGEOCITIES aims will contribute to the achievement of the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP) geothermal targets for Objectives of the project are, therefore, to overcome the barriers referred to regulation of geothermal resources and administrative procedures for increasing the implementation of the SGE, by means of transferring of identified best practices in mature regions to the juvenile regions. Best practices will be compiled in a document with recommendations to develop a common pre-normative framework. Moreover, the collaboration and engagement of local administration during the project duration for the implementation of project results, including the development of a complete training program, will permit to validate the project results.
BACKGROUND BTES ATES The demand for cooling Stakeholders involved in the development of the SGE in the European framework have traditionally identified the regulative barriers as one of the most important barriers to overcome in order to obtain a increase of the market. This increment will support the achievement of the NREAP objectives of the European countries. REGEOCITIES will enhance the current situation transferring best practices between regions with different degree of development of the SGE. Committed or endorsed cities will actively participate in the implementation of the project results as fruitful examples of the project. REGEOCITIES project will be built up from previous research projects related to the geothermal energy. Some of those projects are shown here:
Objectives and Main Steps Overcoming of the barriers by means of reliable knowledge about the market conditions and barriers for geothermal HP in the targeted countries (cities and regions) and in the general European framework Establishment of support measures for the GSHP market focused on the achievement of the NREAPs of the targeted countries Education and knowledge transfer in order to develop the tools for training energy managers in local authorities and Helpdesk for municipalities and public authorities Targeted dissemination activities reaching market actors in EU countries. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECTWORKING PLAN
Realization of the National Reports Development of workshops and final questionnaires in different languages Dissemination activities and website including continuous update of contents Updating of CPI Finalization of report about European situation. Identification of best practices Development of the database and handbook identification of the integration aspects in buildings Development of the Curricula for training program Identification of the training needs for the different countries and regions of the project Updated Achieved Results
Project Results Please visit our website: and check our public results!!
Regulative framework and administrative schemes are extremely different from some countries to others. It means that the actuations as well as the role of the different countries are different and adapted to the role as a best practice region or a juvenile region. Training courses are been planned to provide the best possible material for each country. A general scheme focus on three main lesson is used considering as main topics: 1.- Regulation and regulative framework; 2.- Technology and systems; 3.- Project results. The presentation of positive or best practices examples have been valuated as highly appreciated in the juvenile regions. The flexibility and adaption of the contents for workshops and courses will trigger a desired participation in all countries. The involvement of the policy makers, including the local authorities and the technical personnel of the local institutions is being achieved in the project, including their active participation in the different events that have been planned such as workshops, meetings or courses. It is laborious in some case, so it is important planning in advance!! Main lessons learnt
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