Standards and Standardization
Outline of Presentation Targets, benefits and levels of standardization Meaning of Standardization Modern development in Standardization Modern Concept Targets and benefits of standardization. Standardization growth in developing countries Structure of national Standardization System
Meaning of Standardization (History) This term is derived for the verb “Standardize” used for estimating the object and its value in comparison with its similar, so a standard is a scale or an estimate. Standardization gained recently a definite meaning. In general it means that it attempts to consolidate specifications, standards and administration methods and ensuring quality on the level of a certain homeland region or whole world. The oldest standards which the human being found, were those relating to weights and dimensions which were essential in any society such as sales and purchases of commodities and lands.
Meaning of Standardization (History) Then Islam (The Seal of Religions) came, urging for the use of legal units away from fraudulence which was clear in Koran “Woe unite the defrauders: those who when they take the measure from mankind, demand it full. But if they measure units them or weight for them, they cause them loss”
Modern development in Standardization French revolution stepped in the field of : The dimension and scale as it transferred the Standards for being rules of the state. Established the academic college and entrusted it in laying down the rules and bases of the metric system. Complications for consumers and producers appeared. Integrated standards as a guide for the producers to produce what can be only sold and as a guide for consumers to achieve their demands. The integration of standards and coordination among professional complexes such as engineers and industrial associations.
Modern development in Standardization The First World War came and standardization appeared as an industrial order creating big production guaranteeing reciprocity. This is what is exactly required by the war community. The president of the American Engineers Association Stating that the American Industry can increase its production to about %50 if standardization system is applied. Then after the second world war, all experiences extracted form the fist world war were effective in integrating the weapons of the allies after a lot of efforts were wasted at the beginning of war due to differences in standards.
Modern development in Standardization At the end of the second world war, the industrial countries started to renew their industries, facilitating production and renewing the products standards, and raising the quality level. They reconsidered the standards which were already on forced under the war circumstances. The International Standardization Institutions (ISO) established to develop the awareness of standardization especially in the developing countries
Modern Concept Unbiased authorities to put standards to consumer goods and integrate the standards to work on the level of the whole state marked by objectivity and neutrality, representing the view points of all concerned parties. At the same time, they should resolve the industrial problems and protect markets and consumers. Standardization is a process of laying down and applying rules for organizing a certain activity in favor and cooperation of all concerned parties particularly for achieving the ideal gross economy and taking into account the performance circumstances and safety considerations.
Modern Concept Standardization is based on the stable results of science technology and experience at present, which no obstacles against future development. The applications are as follows: 1: Identification and integration the units of standards terms and codes. 2: Putting standards for goods and their war of testing. 3: Laying down the regulation of quality and the rules of issuing the conformance marks and certificates.
Standardization arises in human communities as a response to their basic needs. It basically aims for organizing transactions and investigating their accuracy and fair play. Standardization uses the most modern achievements of science and technology which the community gained. Producers, technical tests laboratories, technical inspection design and implementations rules packing, transport, handling and storage methods, preservation of health, safety, environment protections and information supply. Standardization Relation with Sciences:
Targets and Benefits of Standardization: Standardization at the beginning was limited to weights, dimensions and size for organizing the daily transactions in agriculture, trade, and then burst into industry in a strict development, and extended to service, communication, transport, electronics and computer activities etc. Standardization General Targets: Standardization depends on a set of targets for identifying the value of those dealing with it within the given limits of accuracy and knowledge.
Targets and Benefits of Standardization: Reflections of Standardization main Targets: General balance among parties Public interest Harmony Environment Preservation Safety and consumer Protection Identification and improvement of Product Quality Rationalization World language
Standardization Growth in Developing Countries: Most national standardization systems in developing countries are governmental and financed fully by the government as there are no productive organizations Standardization including the industrial or legal calibration and testing and certification as their systems are not sufficient Standards optional in the advanced countries due to the enormous progress in the processes of industrial development in which the quality levels in most of them exceed the level of national standards
Structure of National Standardization Systems organization of the national standardization systems is the represent the different national points of view the dominating structure in most standardization systems consists of the following: Management Boards: Administration Staff Technical Committees
Management Boards For securing the partnership of all parties and national sectors in a balanced way The higher authority of the system is normally authorized to a council representing the main authorities of the national economy Designing the general policy of the system and the supervision of the financial and administrative matters for ensuring the good progress of the system and Approving the standards the financial and administrative charts and the final accounts.
Administration staff Organizes the work of different departments and committees Prepares the agenda of the management board and keeps and collects the necessary information Guaranteeing the balanced representation of various concerning parties Carrying out the other activities in ratification, testing, certification and training and other matters necessary for conducting the staff activities
Technical Committees Preparing and developing standardization activities committees taking care of the matters pertaining to the national economy sector such as the food, agricultural electrical, mechanical or chemical sectors, they involve the efficient representatives of the concerned sector. And other authorities such as universities, research centers and chambers of commerce…….
Standardization Levels The level of any activity of standardization it classified in accordance with the parties, who participate in its preparation or who are affected by it or undertake to comply with it in any form of contracts or agreements. Individual Level Organization Level Union's and vocational associations level The National level