Time to the Hour and Half-Hour By Ann Bruce Jircitano
Minute hand Hour hand Today we are learning to tell time to the hour. Numerals 1-12 go clockwise around the clock.
Let’s count together! Minute hand Hour hand
Let’s Tell Time to the Hour! Ready, Set, Go!!!
A.11:00B.12:00 C.10:00D.11:55 What time is it?
A.12:00B.6:00 C.5:00D. 12:30 What time is it?
A.4:00B.1:00 C.3:00D.2:00 What time is it?
A.5:00B.12:25 C.6:00D.4:00 What time is it?
A.7:00B.12:00 C.8:00D.11:00 What time is it?
A.4:00B.3:30 C.3:00D.2:00 What time is it?
We Can Tell Time to the Hour! Great Work!