SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA In his interview, George Barna shared his research about the church. He said, “More and more people who are willing to take a risk for the Kingdom and willing to do things differently. What we’re finding is that the people who are being effective in ministry are not on church staff.” What are you encouraged about when you look at the church today?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George loves the “dangerousness” he sees in younger leaders today. He says, “They’re not worried about answering to a board, but they’re more worried about answering to God.” What are you encouraged about when looking at the younger leaders of the church?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George talked about the struggles that pastors are facing, “They feel like they’re in a hole that they can’t get out of. They’ve got all this stuff that has nothing to do with where God’s vision would lead them to go.” What challenges do you see pastors facing today?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George gave six checkpoints for effective leadership. He stated that they are all significant in our growth as leaders but we may not feel they are of equal value. Can you share some of the checkpoints you felt were more personally valuable to you? Why? How are you using those in your ministry role?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA Can you share any of the checkpoints that didn’t hold as much interest to you? Do you feel that you have already mastered those or you don’t perform as well in those?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA How often do you find yourself operating as a singular leader? Who are the leaders that are part of your leadership team, whose abilities compliment yours? How can a team out-perform an individual?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George said that the hallmark of genuine leaders is that they are always learning and improving; and they are interacting with other leaders about leadership with a joy in helping others to grow. How do you connect with that statement? How can we utilize these checkpoints in improving the growth of leaders in our ministry?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA As we consider ways to support and compliment each other on our teams, can you pinpoint some strengths you have as a leader? Can you share any areas where you would like improvement?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA What do you think is the single most important skill that a leader must have?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George said that great ministry teams: are small in number; spend time together, lean on their captain, share vision, values, passion; are vulnerable and communicate; strive to empower people to achieve the vision. Does that describe our ministry team? Do any of these areas need to change to improve our ministry team?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George stated, “Listening is critical to achieving success.” Are you willing to listen to people fully? Why or why not? Do the people on our teams or in our ministry feel that we are listening to them?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA Have we considered what people do not say that might be a very important part of their communication? What are some ways we can improve?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA Do the people that work with you feel safe telling you what’s on their mind? Are we willing to deal with pressure and criticism in order for truth and justice to prevail in our ministry? Are there areas in which we are having problems with conflict and confrontation?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA How many leaders exist in our ministry who have yet to use their gifts and abilities within a leadership team? What’s holding them back from doing so?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA How do we validate and lead those who are not on staff to have effective ministry outside the walls of our church?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA In our consumer-driven society, it can be challenging to lead people to trade in their personal pursuits to become followers of Christ. Why is it critical that we count the cost as leaders? What are the implications if we don’t? How can our staff and those we lead be more willing to take risks for the kingdom and step out and do things differently?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA George said that “success is helping people achieve their potential in Christ.” How do we define success in our church?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA What is our leadership philosophy as a church? What are some insights that George gave that we already practice in our leadership strategy? Are there any of these checkpoints and insights that we need to improve and learn from in our leadership strategy?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA How does George’s message line up with our mission, vision and values as a church?
SESSION SIX: GEORGE BARNA Did George say anything that goes against our current strategies as a church? Did he say anything that would cause us to refocus or rethink some of our strategies?