KIDS HOPE USA is a National Ministry. More than 500 Church/School Partnerships in 29 States
KIDS HOPE USA began as a research project in We asked professionals in religion, health and human services, education, and law enforcement two questions: 1. What are the most pressing needs facing American youth today? 2. How can the church reach out to these children and their families?
Children aren’t learning. When emotional and environmental pressures weigh kids down, they can be physiologically incapable of learning. Meeting weekly with a caring mentor can help children become better learners. Public schools are overwhelmed. There are growing numbers of students whose emotional and social needs eclipse their ability and motivation to learn. Churches care, but are unaware. There are people in every church who would like to reach out to at-risk children if they only knew how. According to the Commission on Children at Risk (2003), American children are “hardwired to connect.” Their ability to learn is seriously impaired if they do not have a relationship with at least one adult who cares. They need love! The research led to the following discoveries:
Professionals stressed that a church could make a profound difference in the lives of children if it would mobilize and train its members to form one-to-one relationships with the youngest children. You need to see these children as “emotional checkbooks who are completely overdrawn. They need someone to deposit love in their lives.” - Deb Feenstra, Principal, Holland, MI And What About the Church?
The Result... KIDS HOPE USA An award-winning mentoring program Four distinctives of the program: 1. Owned by one church KIDS HOPE USA works exclusively through the local church, teaching it to engage its members in one-to-one relationships with at-risk public elementary school children. 2. Focuses on the youngest children KIDS HOPE USA churches mentor at-risk elementary school children because these are the critical, formative years in which values are formed, self esteem is developed, and academic skills are acquired. 3. Forms exclusive one-to-one relationships KIDS HOPE USA mentors use a weekly one hour event to build a relationship focused on the child’s emotional and social needs. These relationships are supported by a behind-the-scenes prayer partner. 4. Respects church-state separation Mentors are trained to abide by the rules of the host organization. While there is no evangelism at the school, participation in church activities may occur with parental approval. Schools in 29 states are embracing KIDS HOPE USA.
KIDS HOPE USA Makes a Difference! Church members who mentor are blessed as they make a difference in the life of a child. Churches experience a change in ministry culture as members build relationships with their neighbors. School personnel are “blown away” by a church that respects them and helps them love the children. Children show significant change in attitude, behavior, and academic performance. According to their teachers, 99 percent of the KHUSA children benefited from their relationship with a mentor. Frost Center for Social Science Research Hope College, Holland, MI (2008 )
Three Critical Questions For Your Church: Question One: Does your church want to build a relational bridge with your community? Question Two: Will your church have access to at-risk children at the neighborhood public elementary school? Over 50 percent of our requests come from public schools asking us to find a church that will help them love the children! Question Three: Is your church able, at this time, to make the commitment that makes KHUSA successful and sustainable?
Commitment Issues We will respect the separation of church and state. We will recruit at least ten mentors and two substitutes in the first semester. These mentors will undergo a criminal history check and be fully trained. We will identify a behind-the-scenes prayer partner for each adult-child relationship. We will restrict our outreach to one school. We will evaluate our program annually and share this information with the KIDS HOPE USA national office. We name a director for the program. Our director will be trained by the KIDS HOPE USA national office.
1.A one time affiliate fee which helps cover the costs of program development and the required training course. This fee is based on the number of adult members who attend on a typical Sunday morning and is paid quarterly over the first year. Number of MembersCost 500 or less$3, and over$4,000 Churches that adopt the ministry may be eligible for a partial scholarship. Funding is limited, and it is available on a “first come, first serve” basis. 2.An annual program budget typically ranges from $500 to $1,000 in year one, covering the costs of supplies, T-shirts, events for the children/parents, and other activities that enhance the relationship-building process. Sample Budget We will assume financial responsibility for the following expenses. These expenses vary according to the size of the church:
Next Steps Step One: KIDS HOPE USA presents the program to church leaders. Resources: Packet # 1 “KIDS HOPE USA - An Introduction” and the DVD “You Could Be the One” Step Two: Church leaders meet with a local elementary school to learn about need and share about commitment. Resources: Packet # 3 “KIDS HOPE USA …and the school” and the DVD “Mentoring Partnership for Your School” Step Three: The church governing board signs the KIDS HOPE USA Affiliate Agreement and identifies the director. Resources: Packet # 2 “KIDS HOPE USA …and the church”; “Finding Your KIDS HOPE USA Director” Packet; Director Training Brochure Step Four: KIDS HOPE USA trains your director to develop the program within the church and the neighborhood school. Step Five: Your director recruits and trains all volunteers according to the KIDS HOPE USA National Office Training Program and begins your church’s program.
“I hope you will become a mentor. Then other kids can be as lucky as I am!”