DLM SERIES Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry
GRACEFUL SUBMISSION One of the hardest thing to do is to submit to someone else. It’s hard when you know that you have some level of expertise or experience. It’s even harder to do when you feel that the person in position is incompetent or unjust. But our Lord calls us to submit. True submission is not simply an outward act of following someone else, it is a graceful supportiveness that is rooted in a heart that knows ultimately that its master is the Lord Jesus Christ. And in doing so, when we submit to people and authorities that has been appointed over us, we are able to do it cheerfully and fully because we know that our true leader is the Lord. There is no place that this is more truer than in service within ministry. Our God is a God of order and discipline. In His kingdom everything has a rightful place and there is a time for everything. As he rules and directs our lives, he also ordains a rightful place for us. Sometimes we find ourselves leading, sometimes we find ourselves simply following. We need to be graceful when we lead, but even more so when we follow. We need to learn when to speak & not to speak. We must be controlled in our thoughts & actions. Unless the leadership is ethically and morally wrong in his/her actions, we must be wholeheartedly supportive. We must never be critical or undermining to authority. We must love them for their strengths and be patient in their weaknesses. That’s the way God wants us to conduct ourselves. Throughout scriptures, we find how much God values humility. The bible says, “God despises the proud, but exalts the humble”. Humility is not outward modesty or shyness. It is understanding that “I am only here because God allowed me to be here, I have these things because God gave them to me, & I am doing these things because God gave me the strength to do it”. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “ it is possible to be selfless in order to be self-centered”. What he meant was that some people produce an appearance of humility & modesty in order that other people will notice and praise them for their humility. But we are called to serve, submit, support, & follow even when no one is watching and even if there will be no personal gain at all.
GRACEFUL SUBMISSION 1 Peter 2:13-20 Ephesians 6:5-9 JESUS BECAME A SERVANT OF ALL (PHP2:7) Ephesians 5:21-25 Colossians 3:18-25 Romans 13:1-5 1 Peter 5:1-14 (James 1;19) Luke 16:15 Galatians 1:10 Jeremiah 13:15 Jeremiah 50:31-32 Malachi 4:1 Matthew 23:10-12 Luke 6:45 1Samuel 16:7 Luke 20:46 John 13:12-15 Matthew 6:24 HEB 13:17 TITUS 3:1 (Matthew 26:39Matthew 26:39 Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42) Luke 22:42
Things to Remember Make it useful – You are not simply submitting a report or an assignment. You are teaching people in order to prepare them for ministry. Your points must be rooted in Biblical Truth. Opinions are not the basis of our beliefs- truth is. Listen to lessons of others. They might bring up something that is useful for your lesson. Teach progressively. Build on each other. Be faithful in the time that has been given to you. The material given to you is just to help you get started. Go beyond them and do your research. Remember you are doing this lesson for a few reasons: 1. To prepare others for ministry 2. To get us practicing how to research the bible 3. To get us comfortable with articulating what we believe 4. To get us practicing how to put together a lesson. 5. To get comfortable with teaching a subject.
Pointers in Lesson-Making Before the beginning Pray Ask God what he want to say to his people Pointers for Preparing a Lesson Find out what the Bible says about the subject. Read the verses in context ( read a few verses before and after the given text) Know your subject- be the “subject matter expert”. Research background information Must teach a balanced message- understand the counterpoints to your points Take in account the people who will be listening Write in your own words what you want to say before you make an outline. Use illustrations Use references from outside the Bible. Connect your scripture with other scriptures in the Bible A good introduction and conclusion is key to a good lesson. Keep it simple but meaningful Learn from you own lesson.
Pointers for Presenting a Lesson PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Confidence is rooted in how well you know your subject Have an outline but be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s direction Decide what teaching technique you want to use Lecture Group facilitation Visual Aids? Hand outs Power points Dry erase board Take in account the people who will be listening Connect with your audience. Know the interests of your audience Keep it interesting- you yourself don’t want to hear a boring presentation. Practice your presentation- Listen to yourself Be well prepared. Never “wing it”. (This is for God) Have fun- when you love what you are doing, it shows