DO AR AND ARD MORE OFTEN ADDRESS SIMILAR CHALLENGES AND USE SIMILAR METHODS ?? Yes Has this had consequences for the way your government: sets the research agendas for AR and ARD? Some programmes allow a % of basic Research in more ARD Calls. Most programs allow and encourage ARD in Research based calls organises / distributes the funding ? Most of the time the calls are separated. FCT funds AR and Ministry of Agriculture funds ARD. organises the research (e.g. by promoting collaboration / integration between institutes)? Collaboration between Institutes and companies is often promoted in the regulations of the calls
INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP APPROACHES TO CONNECT LOCAL INNOVATION AND GLOBAL CHALL. Do you see differences on how this is organised in AR (e.g. with Rural Development / Structural Funds) and in ARD ? Yes. Most calls for ARD are regional funding for regional application. National calls are normally research based. Does more alignment make sense? Absolutely. Are there interesting relevant examples / developments to report from your country? Yes. Most of the partnerships that are being prepared focus on an Applied and ARD targeted proposal based on AR efforts and large collaboration at national level.