Who is Lutheran Hour Ministries? Leading global evangelism ministry that is on the frontiers of communicating the Good News to a lost and hurting world Actively engaged alongside ministry partners to connect the hurting and lost to the church community
Sharing the Good News around the world : Annual Responses: 405,000 North American Radio Stations airing The Lutheran Hour: 1,600 People trained in evangelism in the U.S.: 30,000 People trained in evangelism internationally: 66,000 New Bible Correspondence Course Students enrolled annually: 47,500 People reached globally with the Gospel each week: 51,000,000
Strategic Ministry Priorities: Grow God’s Kingdom through expanded media outreach The Lutheran Hour
Strategic Ministry Priorities: Grow God’s Kingdom through expanded media outreach Bring the Gospel to the unreached around the world
Strategic Ministry Priorities: Grow God’s Kingdom through expanded media outreach Bring the Gospel to the unreached around the world Launch a new Online Mission Field
Strategic Ministry Priorities: Grow God’s Kingdom through expanded media outreach Bring the Gospel to the unreached around the world Launch a new Online Mission Field Energize, equip, and engage laity for outreach
Ministry Resources International Ministries Partnerships – One time gift or event Committed partner for 3 years International Volunteer Trips –
Outreach Resources: Project Connect – Men’s Network – GodConnects – Daily Devotions – Video-based Bible studies –
Outreach Training: Mission U – Five14 –
Bringing Christ to the Nations: The Lutheran Hour on the American Forces Network
Promoting LHM Programs: Don’t overwhelm yourself or your congregation Recruit help for your promotional efforts Personally connect with the various ministry teams
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