Canadian Census
What is a census? An official count of the population of a country A statistical portrait of a country and its people Procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population
Why is the census important? Information is used by decision-makers including Federal, provincial and municipal politicians School boards Marketing companies Researchers Information used to decide: Political boundaries Infrastructure (ie. Roads, schools, hospitals etc…) Business locations Pensions, employment programs
Which government department is in charge of Canada’s census? Statistics Canada
What is an enumerator? Census taker
How often does the Canadian government conduct a census? Every 5 years Last one was held in 2011 Next one will be held 2016
When was the first census taken in Canada? Initiated by Intendant Jean Talon in 1666 in the colony of New France Counted the colony's 3,215 inhabitants Recorded their age, sex, marital status and occupation.
Canada’s first census in 1871
1871 Census First national census Asked 211 questions on area, land holdings, vital statistics, religion, education, administration, the military, justice, agriculture, commerce, industry and finance Only options for "marital status" were married, widowed or other options are legally married, separated but still legally married, divorced, widowed, or single (never married).
2006 Census Completed by 80% of households First time households across the country were offered the option of completing their questionnaire online (previously only could mail in the form; 18% used the online option) First time that same-sex married couples were counted due to the legalization of same-sex marriage
2011 Census All households were asked to complete ten questions on basic topics such as relationship to Person 1, age, sex, marital status, language and consent to future release of personal information. First time collected data on both the number of foster children and the number of stepfamilies in the country.
Who is included in the census? Every man, woman and child living in Canada on Census Day Canadians who are abroad, either on a military base, attached to a diplomatic mission, at sea or in port aboard Canadian- registered merchant vessels. Those holding a temporary resident permit, study permit or work permit, and their dependents, are also part of the census.
Do you have to complete the census? Yes, it’s the law. The penalty for being found guilty of contravening the Statistics Act is a fine of $500 or three months in jail, or both.
Sources Canadian census history recensement/2006/ref/about-apropos/faq-eng.cfm recensement/2006/ref/about-apropos/faq-eng.cfm