Ray Holland, Manager EUEI/PDF. A flexible instrument to facilitate the dialogue between: –The European Union and partner countries, –Stakeholders at national.


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Presentation transcript:

Ray Holland, Manager EUEI/PDF

A flexible instrument to facilitate the dialogue between: –The European Union and partner countries, –Stakeholders at national and regional level. To develop national and regional energy policies for poverty reduction. Managed by GTZ

PDF Support energy policy and strategy development, institutional and service delivery models, legal and regulatory frameworks, facilitating mobilisation of public and private investments, dialogue between public and private sectors

Proposals must have the support of government or regional organisations, indicative project size € to €, potential for impact on improved energy access for poverty reduction, potential to leverage investments in energy sector (public or private).

Projects completed CEMAC Action Plan, ECOWAS Regional Electrification Agency study, EAC Energy Access Srategy, Mali PPP, Workshop on Biomass Energy Strategies – Dar, Policy needs assessment study.

Projects in progress Lesotho energy access strategy, Dominican Republic/Haiti Biofuels, Caribbean Wind Energy Initiative,

Projects in progress Ethiopia – local energy planning, Cameroon – local energy planning, Swaziland – strategy for energy access, Uganda – training of local government, Amazon Basin (OTCA), rural electrification strategy Malawi – biomass energy strategy Rwanda – integrating energy in PRSP Zambia II – action plan for energy access

Planned activities Proposed working level side event on regional access strategies with African regional organisations in Berlin – March 07 Workshop on regional access strategies in Africa (possibly with African Union), Africa workshop on experience with Regional Energy Agencies,

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