Maintenance Management Project Mario Batz EN-CV Pierre Bonnal DG-DI Christophe Delamare GS-ASE Christophe Mugnier TE-EPC Goran Perinić TE-CRG Ingo Ruehl EN-HE Zornitsa Zaharieva BE-CO Maintenance Management Workshop 25 th November 2011 EDMS EDMS
Ingo Rühl EN-HE Christophe Delamare GS-ASE Mario Batz EN-CV Christophe Mugnier TE-EPC Goran Perinic TE-CRG Pierre Bonnal DG-DI Zornitsa Zaharieva BE-CO Arkadiusz Burnos BalticBerg Anthony Vaclavicek BalticBerg
Objective Maintenance management workshop Approval of the maintenance management project, the appointment of the main actors and the commitment by the Departments Heads and Group Leaders to support and promote the project and its objectives. and the commitment by the Departments Heads and Group Leaders to support and promote the project and its objectives.
Maintenance Management Project Introduction Ingo Ruehl EN-HE Maintenance Management Workshop 25 th November 2011 EDMS EDMS
Introduction BACKGROUND BACKGROUND Summary report(s) Summary report(s) Internal Audit (ref. DG-IA/10-R5, Dec. 2010) Internal Audit (ref. DG-IA/10-R5, Dec. 2010) CMMWG CMMWG Consultancy assessment Consultancy assessment CMMSB CMMSB TE internal assessment TE internal assessment EN TE TM proposal EN TE TM proposal PROBLEM STATEMENT PROBLEM STATEMENT MAINTENANCE FRAMEWORK MAINTENANCE FRAMEWORK
Internal Audit (ref. DG-IA/10-R5, Dec. 2010) “Audit of the operation of LHC and its injectors” “… no assurance may be given today as to whether the necessary maintenance is actually performed.” “… no assurance may be given today as to whether the necessary maintenance is actually performed.” “Given the material investment in the LHC and its estimated 20 years lifetime, maintenance procedures and tools should be harmonized rapidly for all equipment and maintenance data made available in one central repository.” “Given the material investment in the LHC and its estimated 20 years lifetime, maintenance procedures and tools should be harmonized rapidly for all equipment and maintenance data made available in one central repository.”
Internal Audit (ref. DG-IA/10-R5, Dec. 2010) “There are no obvious reasons why some groups are not using the CMMS or why others have stopped using it. 1. Lack of resources for what is perceived as an administrative overhead, 2. lack of information about the functionality offered by CMMS, 3. the complexity of the software, 4. a resistance to follow well defined and formal procedure for maintenance, 5. inadequate configuration of the software 6. and insufficient user support are all possible reasons”.
Internal Audit (ref. DG-IA/10-R5, Dec. 2010) “In order to provide to the Director of A&T an assurance of a fully controlled maintenance of the LHC machine and its injectors during the life of the LHC for the next two decades, all equipment groups should follow well defined and coherent procedures for planning and performing maintenance and for storing maintenance data in a centralized system. …, the CMMS should be further configured and developed to match the requirements of equipment groups.... equipment groups should be instructed to make full use of the CMMS software available and centrally supported at CERN”.
CMMWG/SB Status report 05/ Summary of CMMS use Implementation process ongoing since 10 years …. Implementation process ongoing since 10 years …. CMMS not used at its full potential. CMMS not used at its full potential. The facility is not using the Infor CMMS functionality effectively and is not currently being leveraged with the use of a consistent workflow process. (BalticBerg) The facility is not using the Infor CMMS functionality effectively and is not currently being leveraged with the use of a consistent workflow process. (BalticBerg) Not a question of the ‘tool’ itself but of limited ‘support’ capacities. Not a question of the ‘tool’ itself but of limited ‘support’ capacities. CMMS improvements and implementation priorities now identified. CMMS improvements and implementation priorities now identified. Confident that it will improve the CMMS functionality. Confident that it will improve the CMMS functionality. NOT confident that new clients should be added to the CMMS before the functionality was improved. NOT confident that new clients should be added to the CMMS before the functionality was improved. Regarding the utilization of Infor EAM, it is suggested to carry out required actions before execution of deployment of the system to new users. (BalticBerg) Regarding the utilization of Infor EAM, it is suggested to carry out required actions before execution of deployment of the system to new users. (BalticBerg) As so often …timeline depends on resources. As so often …timeline depends on resources.
CMMSB Assessment and Recommendations
Consultancy Assessment Audit objectives and deliverables Maintenance Maturity Continuum Groups assessed EN-CV, EN-HE, TE-CRG, GS-ASE Maintenance Best Practices Assessment and Benchmarking analysis. Review the current state of the INFOR EAM CMMS application. Findings; Recommendations; Prioritization of recommendations
Consultancy Assessment Findings & Recommendations Successful in maintaining the facility's assets to a level that supports adequate facility operating performance. … no overall guideline or strategy. … overly complex work management. … staff is experienced and knowledgeable and possesses substantial levels of skill in operating and maintaining the facility. … not using the INFOR CMMS functionality effectively. … most inventory management and purchasing functions are done outside of the INFOR EAM system which doesn’t allow for effective Asset Life Cycle Cost Tracking and planning/scheduling. … 16 Recommendations, Required Actions, Resources 16 Recommendations, Required Actions, Resources It is important to note that each required action builds of the completion of those prior, and they are prioritized accordingly. It is important to note that each required action builds of the completion of those prior, and they are prioritized accordingly. …
Consultancy Assessment Quick win recommendations Establish Asset Criticality Ranking and load to CMMS Define, enter and manage Critical Spares Insure Equipment Class is utilized Link Equipment Class to Failure and Action (closing) Codes to simplify WO closeouts Utilize Failure and Actions codes to begin analyzing Maintenance and Failures Provide common a short term training/workshops to maintenance managers/group in modern maintenance management and reliability approach – promote the same understanding of the modern approach to all involved leaders
_V1_TE-MSI Project EN –TE Technical Meeting 14 Constraint and problems No Groups expertise in databases management, Difficulties for choosing a system, MTF, EDMS, CDD, Layout DB, Infor, Oracle, DFS, Web…? Informatics support services usually overloaded, Global rules and the storage exchange of data not defined. Expectations for a common approach Centralization and sharing of information and data, Informatics tools for the management maintenance, Operational user interfaces. TE Internal Assessment Results of interviews 1 st main improvement Develop a technical information / Data System shared by the maintenance users 2 nd main improvement Formalise the global approach to manage the maintenance activities : Tools and Methods
Conclusion Internal audit report CMMWG status report CMMSB status report Consulatancy assessment report TE internal assessment report Following these reviews and their conclusions, it appears appropriate to consider a transverse approach for the technical departments, to improve the existing maintenance management in terms of strategies, methods and tools and to put therefore in place a harmonized maintenance framework.
_V1_TE-MSI Project Draft for discussion Pilotage CMMS Project EN & TE Pilotage CMMS Project EN & TE EN & TE - Method Project Office 2/2 System integration User interface developments GMAO developments Data Standardisation Expert support Project Manager Expert - Consultant Decision & Validation: TE Department head and Steering committee Decision & Validation: TE Department head and Steering committee TE maintenance Teams Spares Documentation Organisation & training Data Management Sub-project pilote Assets: Definition, characteristics Assets: Definition, characteristics Layouts: Codification, organisation Layouts: Codification, organisation Practices, Process: Analysis, homogenization Practices, Process: Analysis, homogenization Needs: Rationalization, ranking Needs: Rationalization, ranking Tools: Definition, characteristics Tools: Definition, characteristics Steering Board 1 representative: BE, EN,TE, GS Steering Board 1 representative: BE, EN,TE, GS Department Heads Decision and validation EN & TE Method Project Office TE Maintenance System Implementation Project (TE-MSI Office) TE Maintenance System Implementation Project (TE-MSI Office) Project manager TE-MSI Sub-project pilote FSU & Expert support Maintenance Management and Quality Assurance Plan (2 fulltime) Maintenance Management and Quality Assurance Plan (2 fulltime) EAM Development Project (2 fulltime & 3 FTE from groups) EAM Development Project (2 fulltime & 3 FTE from groups) Project Pilote Project Leader Organisation: Standards, layouts, conventions Organisation: Standards, layouts, conventions Development team to be defined: People from ASE, CV, EPC, ICE… ~1 FTE ~2.5 FTE ~ 5 FTE ~0.5 FTE CV, HE, EL maintenance Teams Spares Documentation Reliability Management Reliability Management Inventory Management Sub-project pilote FSU & Expert support EN Maintenance System Optimisation Project Project Pilote EN-MSI Decision & Validation: EN Department head and Group Leaders Decision & Validation: EN Department head and Group Leaders
Problem statement Today a diversity of processes, methods and computerized management tools are used. Existing framework for maintenance management is not perceived to offer the global view required to ease decision-making. Information deficit makes it difficult to compare processes, availabilities, costs and to set up priorities. Weak global view is understood as a limiting factor for CERN in improving the reliability and availability of its equipment and facilities, while optimizing the maintenance resources.
Management Provides -Mission statement -Strategy Demands Statistics, Reports KPIs Maintenance Provides -Interventions -Solves problems Demands Simple, user friendly, fast tools Customized tools Mobile tools Boundary conditions -Safety -Access -RP issues -Interdependent systems -Confined spaces -Operation requirements -Inspections -Local authorities Computerized Maintenance Management System Computerized Maintenance Management System Maintenance Framework Databases, Computer tools Databases, Computer tools EFFECTIVENESS, UPTIME, SIMPLICITY, TRANSPARENCY, TRACEABILITY
_V1_TE-MSI Project EN –TE Technical Meeting TOOLSDescriptionSupport ACCESSDB for MPE-MI and MSC-LMFIT department CABLOTHEQUEElectrical & Optical fiber Signal Cabling of CRG-CI EN/EL department Cern Drawing DirectoryTS department DAO SEESee Electrical Expert drawingsExternal CERN Logbook LABO of VSC-SCCGS department EDHElectronic internal InvoiceGS department Equipment Data Management Service GS department EXCELEQUIPMENTS - SPARE – LISTSIT department FESAFramework C++, XML, XSLT, Java …BE department GMAO sous OracleGS department JIRAControls issue tracking systemEN/ICE department Job Management ToolkitGS department LHC Functional Positions SLOT & Equipments ASSET BE department Equipment Management FolderGS department JMT MTF Equipment Management Folder TOOLSDescriptionSupport lhc Magnet circuits, Powering and Performance Panel MPE & MSC members GMAO EPC DB sous OracleTE-EPC-OMS Gestion PLCIT department Website DB Maintenance – Normal Conducting Magnet TE-MSC-NMC PARADPlc Application Repository And Distribution EN/ICE department PLC SiemensSiemens mapping of PLC software and version TE-ABT PVSSProcess Visualization Control System EN/ICE department Safety Commission - Radiation Protection DGS-RP department Sensor DB & Therm DB Database Calibration & Controls CRG BE/CO department SMARTEAMBase CATIA for ABT-SEIT department SVNSoftware versions VME – PLC management of ABT-EC BE department CO TIMBERTechnical Infrastructure Monitoring - User interface to the LHC Logging System BE department UNICOSIndustrial Control System ParadigmEN/ICE department IMPACTIntervention Manangement Planning And Coordination Tool EN/MEF GS/AIS ACCDB 19 MP3-QPS Repository RESULTS: RANGE OF COMPUTER TOOLS
Maintenance framework … shall serve the groups who have already achieved an advanced maturity level in their maintenance processes, as well as those groups who rely today on more basic procedures. … shall be efficient and flexible enough to cope with the various needs. … guiding the maintenance stakeholders to a common approach and best practices.
Maintenance Management Project Project Implementation Structure Ingo Ruehl EN-HE Maintenance Management Workshop 25 th November 2011 EDMS EDMS
Responsibilities and Coordination STEERING BOARD Steering strategically the project, Steering strategically the project, having the overall responsibility of the outcomes, having the overall responsibility of the outcomes, ensuring the availability of the resources, ensuring the availability of the resources, validating the completion of the project phases, validating the completion of the project phases, arbitrating conflicts if required. arbitrating conflicts if required. The proposed membership for the steering board is the following: the department heads involved—with decision voice the department heads involved—with decision voice the members of the task force (pre-analysis phase) and the subproject leaders and the project coordinator (remaining phases)—with advising voice. the members of the task force (pre-analysis phase) and the subproject leaders and the project coordinator (remaining phases)—with advising voice.
Task Force Pre-analysis phase (3 months) EN dept.:Mario Batz (60%), Ingo Ruehl (20%), Philippe Gayet (20%) TE dept.:Christophe Mugnier (60%), Goran Perinić (40%) BE dept.:Zornitsa Zaharieva (30%) GS dept.:Christophe Delamare (30%) DG-DI:Pierre Bonnal (30%)
Project coordination Maintenance Management Project Structure Proposal 2/2 Expert support I. Rühl, G. Perinic Expert - Consultant Department Heads BE, EN, TE, GS Task force members Department Heads BE, EN, TE, GS Task force members Steering Board C. Mugnier P. Bonnal, Z. Zaharieva C. Delamare M. Batz
Maintenance Management Project Resource Requirements Summary Ingo Ruehl EN-HE Maintenance Management Workshop 25 th November 2011 EDMS EDMS
Phase or project Time Period Actual % on MM Additional % on MMP Additional p·m on MMP Additional Res. (p·m) Additional Res. (kCHF) Pre-analysis Phase Jan – April 2012 EN Dept. MMP April 2012 – Dec TE Dept. MMP April 2012 – Dec MMF QA System April 2012 – Dec CMMS Informatics April 2012 – Dec ∑ MMF – Assets April 2012 – Dec MMF – Spare Parts April 2012 – Dec MMF – Plans April 2012 – Dec MMF – Documents April 2012 – Dec MMF – Job Orders April 2012 – Dec MMF – Reports April 2012 – Dec ∑
Preliminary Resource Estimate Person- months TEENBEGSDGTotal Staff16155tbd Fell/tech.St (tbc)117 FSUs Consultancytbd 600 kCHF Total This resource estimate is based on the assumption that staff working already on maintenance management and supporting services (layout database for example) will also contribute to the project when required.
There is nothing permanent except change. >Heraclitus Heraclitus< They say that time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself. >Andy Warhol Andy Warhol<