GA’s Westward Movement
Manifest Destiny Idea that nation should extend from Atlantic to Pacific Lewis and Clark Louisiana Purchase Cumberland Gap
GA Westward Movement Boundaries move: French and Indian War Native American Lands Headright System Capital moves: oTo Augusta oTo Louisville oTo Milledgeville oTo Atlanta (post Civil War)
Yazoo Land Fraud Sell land to speculators Land in NW GA sold to 4 land companies for 2 cents an acre. Dishonest legislatures fled the state and new legislature repealed the act. U.S. Supreme Court ruled that all land be given to U.S. Government in GA’s border moves to Chattahoochee River Spain gives up land in south east GA and GA gave that land to U.S. government for $1, 250,000 and government promised to remove all Natives from GA.
Land Lotteries As more natives leave, more land is available. Land is divided into square lots and the lots are drawn and matched with any male over 21 living in the state for 12 months that wanted the land. Lots ranged from 40 to 490 acres depending on the type of land. 6 lotteries were held over 28 years distributing 30 million acres of land to more than 100,000 people.
Economic Growth Steamboats Railroads Cotton Gin (Eli Whitney) Corn Harvester Mechanical Reaper (Cyrus McCorminck)
Transportation in GA Waterways Savannah River Oconee River (Milledgeville) Ocmulgee River (Macon) Chattahoochee River (Columbus) Roads Indian Trails Road law (males between to work on roads 12 days a year) Turnpikes (paid a toll to use road)
Transportation Railroads 1833 General Assembly chartered 2 railroads. Georgia Railroad Company westward from August to Madison, Eatonton, and Athens. Central of Georgia Railroad from Savannah to Macon 1838: track completed from Augusta to Greensboro and on to Madison and Athens. 1836: railroad created from Chattanooga to Terminus (Altanta)