LIRS Post Release Services
Post Release Locations Arkansas – entire state California – northern California Carolinas (North and South) – entire state Colorado – Denver (2 hr. radius) Florida – Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville Georgia – Metro Atlanta counties including Athens, Rome, Augusta area counties, Savannah, Columbus area counties including the Macon area. Maryland – entire state Massachusetts – entire state Rhode Island – entire state New Jersey – Southern part of NJ from Newark and south New York – All boroughs, NYC metro area Virginia – northern Virginia, Virginia Beach and Fairfax
Post Release Locations
Family Reunification For children referred for family reunification services, LIRS ensures their safe release to appropriate, safe and secure home environments. including physical, socioal-emotional, and educational developmental needs are met creating access to legal representation and mental health services. LIRS also provides post-release services including follow-up home visits and case management to children and their families to ensure ongoing comprehensive supportive services.
Future of the UAC population Various forms of legal relief (SIJS visa, Asylum, URM, human trafficking relief) Reunification with strong family ties provides most stability and nurturing for the child Finding niche in American society? Language barriers, educational accomplishment and success