WRIA 43 Phase 3 Plan Development Building a Watershed Plan with the Functions and Values of the WRIA 43 Planning Unit
TIME SCHEDULE WRIA 43 Watershed Plan due to County Commissioners (Lincoln, Adams, Grant, and Spokane) by November All County Commissioners must approve Watershed Plan for process to move forward. WRIA 43 started in January 2000 Started Phase 3 in October 2005
TIME SCHEDULE Most Watersheds take 12 to 24 months to write their Watershed Plan WRIA 43: Looking to get draft Watershed Plan submitted to Planning Unit by June 1, 2006 (grant requires by July 17, 2006) so have time to review during summer.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN! YOU WILL BE GETTING LOTS OF INFORMATION PRESENTED TO YOU OVER A 6 MONTH TIME PERIOD. Steering Committee is developing and reviewing the contents of the Plan But you will have plenty of time to review and comment on information....We need your input for success
Development of Plan 1) Issue = comprehensive problem statement of what the Planning Unit would like to address in the plan 2) Goal = what specific result the Planning Unit would like to accomplish in the issue statement 3) Objective = how to approach goal and what you want to accomplish (cause of problem and trends) 4) Alternative Solution = action proposed (recommendations for studies, actions and policies w/ obligated party identified)
An Easy Way to Look at the Issue-Goal-Objective- Alternative Contents Issues and Goals: –These are the general statements of what you want in the plan –More of a philosophical or comprehensive statement Objectives and Alternatives –These are the more specific actions you want to accomplish –Focus on specific recommendations for studies, actions and policies
Example: WRIA 59
Example: WRIA 62
Example: WRIA 56
No.Issue StatementRank ISF-1 WRIA 43 is a hydraulically unique and complex system of streams 1 Wqual-1 Poor water quality is a threat to human health and the environment 2 Hab-1 The physical and biological relationship in Crab Creek is one of the most poorly understood ecosystems in the northwestern United States 3 Wstore-1There is insufficient available water resources in WRIA 434 Wquan-1Management of water in WRIA 43 is required5 WRIA 43 Issue Development
Goal Prioritization Ranking- WRIA 43 Whole Planning Unit 12345ScrRank ISF-1WRIA 43 is a hydraulically unique and complex system of streams 1 AProtect instream resources T BUnderstand the physical properties of the streams CAddress data gaps identified in Phase 2 Technical Assessment T DUnderstand the aquifer conditions in the WRIA T WQUAL-1Poor water quality is a threat to human health and the environment 2 ACollect additional water quality data T BFurther assess water quality data T CImprove impaired water bodies (lead to TMDL objectives) T DProtect high quality water EWell Head Protection Plans within the WRIA are current T FEducate public about water quality issues T Hab-1 The physical and biological relationship in Crab Creek is one of the most poorly understood ecosystems in the northwestern United States 3 AFurther assess Habitat T BProtect existing fisheries habitat T CEducate public on habitat conditions T Wstore-1There may be insufficient available water resources in WRIA 43 4 AAssess water availability BEducate public on water availability T CDevelop a balanced utilization of available water for needs in watershed T Wquan-1Management of Water in WRIA 43 is required 5 AUnderstand the physical properties of surface and groundwater T BDevelopment of a database of water resource information for WRIA T CDetermine Growth projections for the WRIA D Cooperative management (shared governance) of water resources with state agencies T EDetermine municipal water suppliers inchoate rights (???)
Goal-Objectives-Alternatives- WRIA 43 Habitat Not Important ↔ Very Important Scor eRank Hab-1 The physical and biological relationship in Crab Creek is one of the most poorly understood ecosystems in the northwestern United States 3 AFurther assess Habitat (18-T) iAddress data gaps identified in Phase 2 Technical Report (a) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District identify and develop studies to better understand the habitat conditions in Crab Creek (b) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District evaluate the impacts of aquatic vegetation on water quality relative to improving habitat in Crab Creek (c) WIT, as outlined in the Phase 2 Technical Assessment, recommends that in order to fully understand and set guiding principles for enhancement of fisheries and habitat, a thorough hydrogeological analysis must be completed (as outlined under Wquan-1-A(i,iii,vii,viii, and x) and ISF-1-B and C. (d) WIT, Consultant, and Lincoln Conservation District seek funding and complete a specific stream typing and habitat inventory throughout the watershed and coordinate the database with the hydrogeologic study recommended in Hab-1-A-i(c). (e) WIT, Consultant, and Lincoln Conservation District will seek funding and complete a thorough fish population inventory to estimate habitat utilization at different life history stages and seasons along with potential migration patterns. (f) WIT develop and adopt a habitat management plan emphasizing the completion of a thorough assessment of the habitats available and how the fisheries are using them, including a detailed understanding of the physical and biological connections in the watershed. iiDevelop fisheries maps to assess with management objectives (a) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District develop a map showing fish populations, if funding is available. (b) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District develop a map portraying existing high quality riparian corridor, if funding is available. (c) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District develop maps showing perennial vs. intermittent waters in the Crab Creek watershed, if funding is available. (d) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District develop a map prioritizing channelized areas that can be restored to natural conditions for fish habitat
BProtect existing fisheries habitat (6-T) iDetermine if Crab Creek Sub basin Plan addresses issues of importance to the WRIA 43 Planning Unit (a) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District review BPA's Crab Creek Subbasin Plan and provide recommendations to Planning effort that would assist WRIA 43 in achieving it's mission and goals for the watershed iiAdopt general guidance on fisheries enhancement projects within the Crab Creek watershed (a) WIT adopt the guiding principle that "groundwater infusion into Crab Creek and its tributaries is likely one the primary factors in maintaining suitable fisheries habitat conditions" and that no modifications or restoration efforts in fisheries habitat shall be conducted without considering these impacts to the hydrogeologic framework and its influences on the existing fisheries in the watershed. (b) WIT, WDFW and Lincoln Conservation District promote and provide guidance on common, non-invasive, restoration practices within the watershed (e.g. riparian restoration, water conservation, and wetland restoration). (c) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District shall discourage and/or delay stream bank and channel restoration projects until the hydrogeologic conditions are fully understood as outlined in Hab-1-A-i(c). iiiPromote voluntary riparian restoration projects (a) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District will promote and assist where resources are available the voluntary efforts of local land owners to conduct riparian restoration projects such as planting of native grasses, trees, and/or shrubs or the fencing to control grazing impacts on stream banks. (b) WIT shall adopt the "Riparian Planting Guide for Lincoln County" prepared by the Lincoln Conservation District (dated August 2004) as the guidance document for persons undertaking riparian projects within the Crab Creek Watershed. CEducate public on habitat conditions (8-T) iPromote education of the goals and objectives of the WRIA 43 Watershed Plan (a) WRIA 43 Planning Unit and WIT work with local K-12 schools to develop opportunities for volunteers to present the goals and objectives of the WRIA 43 Watershed Plan (b) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District actively pursue opportunities through local forums, such as local fairs, volunteer K-12 teaching opportunities, or other public forums to educate the public on the activities being undertaken under the guidance of the WRIA 43 Watershed Plan iiProvide public with habitat educational materials (a) Lincoln Conservation District shall maintain a stock of habitat educational materials, such as the "Riparian Planting Guide for Lincoln County" to be readily available to the landowners in WRIA 43. (b) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District shall prepare an annual Focus Sheet on the completed and on-going habitat projects in WRIA 43, and present landowners with examples of successes accomplished from implementation projects completed under watershed planning, if funding is available. The annual Focus Sheet will be compiled to further educate the landowners on possible voluntary habitat projects, as well as keeping landowners informed on the progress of habitat projects within the WRIA. (c) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District emphasize, educate and assist landowners with voluntary incentive-based management solutions, including Continuous Conservation Resource Program (CCRP), Conservation Security Program (CSP), Conservation of Private Grazing Land Program (CPGL), Washington Landowner Incentive Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Wetlands Reserve Program, and Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP), in addition to other private and public funding sources for voluntary programs.
D Develop a WIT Habitat Oversight Committee for Habitat projects i Any public agency or private party proposing to conduct a habitat assessment or project within the riparian corridor of Crab Creek and its tributaries shall seek approval from the WRIA 43 WIT Habitat Oversight Committee and implement recommendations from the WIT for that project. (a) Habitat review committee as outlined in Hab-1-D-iii will develop protocols for project reviews and actively participate in review of projects in accordance with documented protocols (b) WIT Habitat Oversight Committee shall promote the functions and values of Lincoln County and the WIT in the review of proposed habitat assessments and/or projects and shall provide recommendations to assure those functions and values, as well as the goals and objectives of the WRIA 43 Watershed Plan will be portrayed in the completion of proposed habitat assessment and/or project. ii Any public agency proposing to conduct a habitat assessment or project within the riparian corridors of Crab Creek and its tributaries shall present proposed project to the WIT and allow WIT the opportunity to conduct proposed project with available funding if resources are available. (a) Habitat review committee as outlined in Hab-1-D-iii will develop protocols for project reviews and actively participate in review of projects in accordance with documented protocols, and develop agreements for project funding. iii The WIT, Lincoln County, and Lincoln Conservation District will participate on a WRIA 43 WIT Habitat Oversight Committee for review of projects identified under Hab-1-D-i and ii. (a) WIT, Lincoln County, and Lincoln Conservation District develop a MOA for formation and obligations of Habitat review committee (b) WIT and Lincoln Conservation District develop and maintain a database of completed and on-going habitat projects
We Need Your Input February 20 Working Draft of Alternative Table is available for your review –Look through the 5 Issues and the Goals and Objectives being developed –If you want to add things that are a concern to you.....contact us!!! –The tables are the foundation of the Watershed Plan
OPEN DISCUSSION ISSUE Looking to the future – Implementing the Plan: Who-How-When Forming a Watershed Implementation Team (WIT) to oversee and implement Plan Forward looking to setup a partnership to assist in the water resource decision making in the watershed State law deems Ecology as the sole managers for water resources
OPEN DISCUSSION ISSUE Solution – MOA w/ Ecology for shared governance as outlined in the POLICY we set in the Plan To have support of the law in shared governance, and as outlined in HB 1336, we need to have strong policy statements in the Watershed Plan