M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION U PDATES Webinar September 25 and 26, 2013 October 2, 2013
O VERVIEW ● Changes Coming for MSC ● Additions to the Records ● Scenarios ● Deadlines ● Questions?
C HANGES C OMING FOR ● The SEDF collection, currently done by CTE, will be absorbed by the MSC ● New elements will be added throughout the collection This includes added filler fields to the C, D, F and G records ● The H Record has been retired ● Two new records (I and J) will be added to the collection for SEDF-specific records
C HANGES C OMING FOR ● In the D Record, the Teacher Role Code “0” will has been retired ● In the E Record, Provider Description code “2 and 6” have been retired ● MOP and Virtual Virginia teachers will now have to be identified by teacher license number in the MSC-IPAL Superintendent’s or Memo # discusses these changes Decision made by Licensure and Technology based on their reporting requirements
C HANGES C OMING FOR ● CTE Regional Centers will be reporting their MSC information directly to VDOE School divisions will no longer report CTE Regional Center data ● This process may be expanded to all regional centers (Governor’s Schools, Special Education centers, etc.) next year if this is successful Divisions would still have to report private providers (contracted providers, MOPS, Virtual VA, CSA placements, etc.)
A DDITIONS ● C Record Semester When the course is being taught during the school year (first semester, second semester, full year, summer school) Minutes per course The number of minutes that the course is taught This replaces several elements on SEDF (number of period minutes, numbers of weeks, etc.) Divisions will be responsible for translating the time from the virtual/Dual Enrollment environment to seat environment Will be required for CTE courses; optional for all other courses
A DDITIONS ● F Record Work-based Learning Code (CTE courses only) Identify which code best represents what type of learning the student is completing outside of the classroom Governor’s Academy Code S=Governor’s Stem Academy H=Governor’s Health Academy Blank if the class is not taught a STEM-H Academy Responsible Division (for regional center use only) Indicates the division responsible for the student
A DDITIONS ● I Record This record will be a linking record in order to link two sections together for CTE purposes Example: Carpentry II and Carpentry III are taught in the same period by the same teacher, so they need to be linked together Elements Record Type Serving Division Serving School Section ID (higher level class) Connecting Section ID (lower level class)
A DDITIONS ● J Record Co-op Record Used to identify the teachers who are working with co-op students and the number of students the teachers are working with Elements Record Type Division Number School Number Local Provider ID Number of students in co-op program Number of average minutes teacher works with co-op program
SEDF R EPORTS ● SEDF reports will still be accessible through the SEDF application in SSWS ● If there are changes that need to be made to the SEDF reports, corrections must be made in the MSC file and the file needs to be resubmitted This is the same process as IPAL
I R ECORD S CENARIO This record is for two CTE classes, Welding II and Welding III, taught by Mr. Smith during the same class period at Heritage High School (1395) in Newport News (117). Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Grade Span SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Semester Minutes Per Course Welding II G Welding II39000 Welding III G Welding III Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher License Number Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag Welding II CP Welding III CP C Record D Record
I R ECORD S CENARIO F Record Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollment Flag Web-based Learning Welding II BN2 Welding III CN5 Serving Division Serving School Section ID Connected Section ID Welding III- 01 Welding II-01 I Record
J R ECORD S CENARIO This record is for a teacher who is teaching 25 students Advanced Marketing at Hurley High (1020) in Buchanan County (014). Of these students, 12 are completing a Marketing co-op under the teacher’s guidance. Two other students not enrolled in the class are completing a Fashion Marketing co-op under the teacher’s guidance. C Record Section ID Serving Division Serving School SCED Subject Area SCED Course Identifier SCED Course Level SCED Available Credit SCED Sequence VA State Course Code Local Course Code Local Course Title Semester Minutes Per Course G Advanced Marketing 14050
J R ECORD S CENARIO Section ID Serving Division Serving School Teacher License Prefix Teacher License Number Local Provider ID Teacher Role Code Defined Class Type Highly Qualified Flag Flexibility Criteria Flag CP Section ID Local Provider ID State Testing ID Local Student ID Final Grade Virtual Course Indicator Dual Enrollme nt Flag Web- based Learning N N2 School Number Local Provider ID Number of Students in Co-op Minutes in Teacher’s Co-op *45 D Record F Record J Record
D EADLINES ● A successful submission of MSC-IPAL is due on December 6, 2013 A successful submission is necessary so that Licensure and CTE (at both the local and state levels) can start reviewing data and making changes if necessary ● The signed verification reports are due on January 31, 2014