Teachers to utilize this power point Please do the following: 1. Each student will need a copy of slides (print on front/back) 2. Slide 23: Students will work on embryology terms in class. Front side 3. Slide 22: Students will label the egg diagram Back copy ”Ticket out the door” SWBAT: recall from power point lesson Can be used as a quiz
The Question BIG What are the main parts of an egg and their functions?
Turn to your partner and share one fact you learned about the egg that you did not know before.
Function: the shell protects the embryo and provides calcium for strong bones. The shell is porous; it has 6,000-8,000 pores (microscopic holes) allowing the transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity and germs into and out of the egg.
Function: the outer shell membrane and inner shell membrane protects the embryo by keeping out germs and keeping in moisture.
shell shell membrane outer & inner
Function: the air cell is a 3-day supply of air for the embryo from day This is where the chick will take its first breath. It is a shock absorber or cushion for the embryo. The air cell increases in size with age.
shell shell membrane outer and inner air cell
Function: the albumen is food for the embryo. It provides the embryo with protein and water. This is a 16 day food supply.
shell shell membrane outer and inner air cell albumen
Function: the chalazae are two twisted cords that anchor (hold) the yolk in the middle of the egg.
shell shell membrane outer and inner air cell albumen chalazae
Function: the yolk is the main source of food for the embryo. The yolk provides the embryo with vitamins, minerals, and fat. The yolk is a 21 day supply of nutrients.
shell shell membrane outer and inner air cell albumen chalazae yolk
Function: the germinal spot is where the embryo begins to grow and develop. Two parental cells (male and female) Blastoderm = fertile contains both male and female cells. Blastodisc=infertile contains one female cell
shell shell membrane outer and inner yolk germinal spot blastodisc= infertile One parental cell (female) blastoderm=fertile Two parental cells (male & female) chalazae albumen air cell
Ticket Out the Door Label the parts of an egg
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